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A book relay between Mazères and Nailloux for an original literary festival

the essential
On Sunday, September 29, a giant book relay will be organized between Mazères and Nailloux. This symbolic book, written collectively, will travel from hand to hand during a literary festival.

Have you ever heard of the traveling book? Of course, it won’t leave on its own, and it won’t arrive at its destination on its own. This book will need you to travel. The meeting is set for Sunday, September 29, when a giant book relay will be organized from the Mazette bookstore in Mazères to the Détours bookstore in Nailloux. The route goes through Calmont and Montgeard. The goal is to pass the book from hand to hand. In this case, you will have to go out to pass the book to one of your neighbors. The idea is that as many people as possible can make the book travel to its destination, and this, no matter the means. The main thing is that the book arrives at its destination. On foot, running, by bike, by tractor, by scooter or even by soapbox, anything is possible. The organizers of this incredible story hope to have some surprises.

A book, yes, but what book? A blank book, which will be written throughout the morning, made up of the titles of books that are important to you. On arrival, a book of books. This friendly challenge is part of a literary festival on the theme of the hand, initiated by Alido (the association of independent bookstores in Occitania). The meeting point is set at the Mazette bookstore at 9 a.m. for the start and then wherever you want and whenever you can, throughout the book route. The crossing of Calmont will take place around 10 a.m., that of Montgeard around 12 p.m. and the arrival in Nailloux is planned for around 12:30 p.m. with a Spanish inn to celebrate after this crazy stroll. On the way, so that the participants are spotted and the relay is passed, wearing colored clothes is recommended and above all, you must shake the Alido bookmark, available in the Mazette and Détours bookstores.

For more information: Lucile and Anna, Mazette Librairie. Tel: 05 61 60 17 18. Address: 76 B rue Boulbonne, 09 270 Mazères.


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