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Noir et Rouge Book Festival, September 28 and 29,

Indians, the Commune, the French Revolution, feminism, history, etc. Thousands of new and used books.

From the comicsnovels, essays, art, history and politics books

Sometimes rare, out of print and unobtainable at second-hand prices. !

Black and Red Editions

EDMP8, impasse Crozatier

75012 Paris

Metro Faidherbe-Chaligny (LINE 8)

What are the Black and Red editions? ?

As long as there are books !

Black and red, two colours associated as an indication, not as a flag or a registered and historical trademark, but rather as a landmark that would be a base from which we would like to see sparks born and flying, igniting hearts and minds. !

Because despite the Internet, the book remains for us, still and always, an essential source of circulation and diffusion of ideas. Whether new, second-hand, lent or purchased, the book accompanies our questions and our critical reflections. It therefore still has a future. !

Paradoxically, it is in the midst of a crisis in publishing and books that libertarian editions in general are doing well: abundant and diverse, they are often of quality. But this abundance is perhaps only an illusion to the extent that book print runs often remain low, or even confidential. Nevertheless, for those who have known the lean times of the past, it is a pleasure to see our press tables so stocked.

As we can see, this profusion allows everyone to find what they are looking for and, in fact, in this multiple offer, each singularity is complementary. We can therefore reasonably think that our new publishing house will not be superfluous and will quietly take its place, at its own pace.

While we have no intention of specializing, we will, however, highlight the international dimension of the libertarian movement. We will therefore give a large place to translation, both to make up for the delay in the past and to be close to current events.

We take advantage of this statement to renew our appeal to all those who would like to help us in the translation of texts into German, English, Italian or even Spanish, because there are many books that deserve to be available in French. ! For example, let us mention the Memoirs by Rudolf Rocker, but there are so many others !

Our publishing house: anarchist, without a doubt, but open to all critical and subversive thought, so not necessarily libertarian in the strict sense. Because everything that can sharpen our thinking interests us. Our thirst to understand, analyze and decipher is endless. !

Revisiting the past or observing the present with acuity are part of the same anti-dogmatic approach.

Thought and action come together as a praxis so as not to recite, even if reading Bakunin or others can always enthuse us to set off to board the old world… and not just in dreams.

On the eve of major ecological disasters, we must act quickly, almost urgently, but with the lucidity of a thought whose fire and iron are kept alive by books: this is our program and our bet. !

Read more on the Noir et Rouge publishing website


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