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This retired couple offers their library of 1,335 books to their community


Editorial Voice of Jura

Published on

Sep 23, 2024 at 3:51 PM

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Before leaving chill for a senior residence, Claude and Françoise Raulet wished to bequeath their important library to the municipality. After agreement from the municipal council, it was necessary to mobilization of volunteers to move not only these 1,335 worksbut also the furniture on which they were stored.

A second team then mobilized to reorganize this library before it was installed in the city council chamberwithout having to modify anything. For now open two evenings per monthit will allow the villagers toborrow for free until three works For one month renewable.

“Writing does not belong to a bygone era”

This fund will offer choice to readers since many novelsworks on the naturethere navythere Company constitute the largest part of it. “This achievement shows that writing does not belong to a bygone era of culture… all the more so since it is part of our old schoolsymbol of education and knowledge” declared Maurice Galletmayor of the commune, after cutting the symbolic ribbon, during the inauguration of the Friday September 20, 2024.

There is no doubt that according to his wish and that of the volunteers passionate about this operation, this bookshop will become a privileged place, conducive to exchanges, meetings, sharing. Everyone can also satisfy their thirst for knowledge and personal curiosity.

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