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A fascinating book on the Succession series to read urgently, Succession La violence en héritage, published by Playlist Society

Many have followed the 4 seasons of the series with bated breath Succession with the story of a press magnate who brutalizes and assaults those around him and his four children while waiting to designate his successor. Brian Cox plays this character openly inspired by the media mogul Rupert Murdoch and each season accumulates moments of tension and psychological torture that demonstrate with rare acuity that accession to the super-rich often comes at the cost of an almost total disappearance of any notion of empathy. The book written by the excellent Ariane Nicolas places the story in the context of its time when social media is about to replace traditional media, where Donald Trump makes the UNITED STATES and democracy with the fear of an armed insurrection and where the violence of words spreads in every stratum of society. The book highlights the key moments of the series by constantly bringing together the wanderings of the billionaire family with the reality of our increasingly anxiety-provoking world to arrive at a most fascinating sociological thesis. In the end, our era is analyzed and deconstructed in 180 well-conducted pages, it is difficult to live normally without constantly wanting to pick up the thread of the pages. The title of the book Violence as a legacy encompasses the subject of the book very well, traumas are transmitted from generation to generation with a fatality that Sigmund Freud would have liked to dissect!

Synopsis: Created by British screenwriter and producer Jesse Armstrong, the series Succession (2018-2023) portrays Logan Roy, 80, a businessman at the head of a multinational media company. As brutal with his colleagues as with his four children, Logan Roy deploys a cruel game inspired by the King Lear Shakespeare’s: to put one’s offspring in competition in order to designate one’s heir.

Beneath the satire of the ultra-rich and the worried criticism of the society of the spectacle and the excesses of American democracy, Succession elaborates an impressive genealogy of violence, suggesting that the suffering, humiliation and trauma experienced are inexorably transmitted from one generation to the next. Succession, violence as a legacy explores the cracks in this ruthless, dysfunctional family of New York billionaires, revealing the complex psyche of each member and how violence circulates in our world.

Ariane Nicolas is a journalist at Philosophy magazine.

Editor: Playlist Society

Author: Ariane Nicolas

Number of pages / Price: 180 pages / 17 euros

Quality of the work
Pleasure of reading

Film, theatre, music, comics, exhibitions editor, Parisian by life, culturaddict by heart. Founder and manager of the Culturaddict website, editor on the lifestyle website Gentleman moderne. Stanislas has the status of scholar on Publik’Art.


Many have followed with bated breath the 4 seasons of the series Succession with the story of a press magnate who brutalizes and assaults his entourage and his 4 children while waiting to designate his successor. Brian Cox plays this character openly inspired by the…


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