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Viennay. The book exchange writes its first page

Culture takes up space, especially when you’re a big reader. So, to make room in your library, what’s better than sharing it with others by getting rid of the books you no longer read?

It was with this idea and observation in mind that the volunteers of La Bouquinerie, the municipal library of Viennay, organized their first book swap on Saturday. Under a beautiful and bright sun, a dozen volunteers took turns between the library and the book drop-off stand, accessible to all. This is a first. We are therefore waiting to take stock to judge the relevance of this event. analyses Martine Grellier, referent of La Bouquinerie. However, what we can see is that it seems to work well. People are receptive, play the game by taking their books. Some leave with books, others don’t. That’s not the goal. Above all, we want people to enjoy coming to the library. We also want those who don’t know this place, or who come very rarely, to discover it. In the shelves, novels, documentary books, cookbooks…

“For a first, it’s satisfying”

For our part, we took 200 books out of the library to have a working capital. Afterwards, people take them, look at them, put them back. It lives.

When the stand was closing, 200 books had been dropped off and 25 adults and 12 children had come, which greatly satisfied the team for this first, including Fabienne Bonnet, Sylvie Dussutour and Marie- Bonneau, three volunteers. This is a first. So we shouldn’t be too demanding. Now people have come, that’s what counts.

The Bouquinerie is open on Tuesdays from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.


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