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The Poetry Book Careers Forum was held

This year, the 4th edition of the Poetry Book Professions Forum was organized by the Poetic Sources festival, directed by Benjamin Guérin, artistic director. It took place at the media library on Friday, September 13, to which middle school students were invited, with the aim of learning about and raising awareness of book and culture professions.

Five workshops were distributed among the middle school students, with the bookstore Le Rouge et le noir, with Lucile Pagès, from Ateliers sauvages, to present the profession of graphic designer; with Vincent Busson, for the profession of typographer and Benjamin Guérin, for that of author and finally with the staff of the media library for the book as a whole.

This free festival brings poets from around the world to meet the public in Lozère. It will begin on Saturday, October 5, in Saint-Chély-d’Apcher, Malzieu, Nasbinals, Mende and Marvejols. We have a partnership with the Scènes croisées, the Ciné-théâtre and the Trianon de Marvejols “, declares Benjamin Guérin.

Midi Libre correspondent: 04 66 31 13 10


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