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It’s unfair! | Book to be published on October 8, 2024

Do you remember the first time you witnessed a

injustice? Two sociologists go back to the sources of the inequalities of the

climate crisis.

I can’t breathe ” were the last words spoken by George

Floyd in 2020 […] This sentence can express not only violence

produced by police institutions, policies and decisions

of the State, but also the disproportion of exposure to pollution of

racialized populations.

The book *It’s unfair, *7th book in the Radar collection, by Amélie

Chanez and Anne-Marie Le Saux, will be released on *October 8, 2024*!

*In brief: *Two sociologists passionate about their discipline decide to

use it to explore the case of climate injustices. Allowing

to avoid the trap of disinformation, to confront a biased vision

through our position of privilege and to act concretely through sharing

of initiatives and information on these injustices, the approach

sociological, that of Caroline Dawson, of Jean-Philippe Pleau, not to mention

naming only them seems to be the right way to open eyes to a problem


*About the book*

It is through travel that Amélie Chanez and Anne-Marie Le Saux took

awareness of many inequalities, including environmental injustices.

Their findings: many of our privileges are constraints for

other humans. In addition, in the face of the climate crisis, populations

poor or racialized people are more affected.

If indignation makes them say that “It’s unfair!”, the authors

turn to their paddle of choice: sociology, which they teach at

Cégep de Maisonneuve. In this essay, they bring out human science

from the classroom and apply a critical and mobilizing look at

an unequal world in crisis.

Using poignant examples and interviews with engaged citizens

In their community, the authors invite us to decolonize discourses

on the climate crisis, to consider another way of inhabiting the world and

to consume. Young people are not the only ones concerned about this, people

are already demanding changes in the public square. *That’s unfair!*

the demonstration that it is not too late to turn the tide, but

that we will have to do it together. It is urgent to discuss the issues

environmental and social justice!

*About the authors*

A former social worker and youth leader, *Amélie Chanez* is

Professor of sociology at Collège de Maisonneuve. She is interested in

theories of social engagement, social movements, feminisms and

to decolonization.

*Anne-Marie Le Saux* teaches sociology at the Collège de Maisonneuve. She

collaborated on the social and political review À *bâbord! and *à quelques

collective works including *The rise of our lives: bias for society

and Justice* (2000) and *Women Changing the Struggle (2013)*.


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