11 Books to Read to Welcome the “Cozy Season” This Fall
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11 Books to Read to Welcome the “Cozy Season” This Fall

Autumn inevitably rhymes with comfort, cozyness and the desire to wrap ourselves up in our blankets.

Why not enjoy these slower moments with a book in hand, whether it’s fiction, comforting novels or even novels that make us think?

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mia hannah – pinterest

“When her father dies, Maxine must return to her native village, which she fled six years earlier. This brings back painful memories, including the loss of her mother and her stormy relationship with her father. She intends to leave right after the funeral. But a huge surprise awaits her. Indeed, in his will, her father specifies that she will only receive his inheritance on condition that she spends two months in her childhood home. What’s more, Alex, a young man he had recently taken a liking to, will live with her. Despite her irritation at this bizarre situation, Maxine agrees to obey his wishes… without realizing that her life will be turned upside down.”


“A novel with the feel of a 45 rpm record, short and rhythmic, Auto-stop retraces with a warm and tenderly mocking look the winding journey of a young man in search of himself.”


“Xavier and Eli, two young men who have very little in common, become roommates overnight. From their cohabitation, a friendship will be born that is far from the codes of traditional masculinity, where unfiltered conversations are the order of the day. While Xavier looks at the reasons that led him to withdraw from student activism overnight, Eli explores his own wounds and their after-effects, in the hope that balconies, these spaces that are neither indoor nor outdoor, will no longer be places associated with pain for them.”


“Like every year in the summer, a bookmobile driver begins his tour of the small villages of Quebec’s North Shore. Broke, he is not far from thinking that it will be his last. But he does not reckon with the omnipotence of destiny, which will manifest itself through Marie. The fall tour is the story, full of nuances and gentleness, of the meeting between a man and a woman, and ultimately says only one thing: life, stubborn and strong, will always prevail.”


“Behind every song on the Inuktitut album is a story. Behind every story is a memory. And behind every memory is a song: this album and these stories are inspired by true events.

For better or for worse, Elisapie’s North has never left her.

Quite the contrary: it is the North that guided this album and this book.

These ten songs, these ten stories, she cried over them.


“Sentenced to perform community service, Malik finds himself in a retirement home with a detestable old man he has no desire to know. Under the petty delinquency of one and the bitterness of the other lies a sensitivity that, little by little, will transform this forced relationship into sincere friendship.”


“Technology has not freed us from our overloaded daily lives, as we were promised. And there doesn’t seem to be enough coffee and energy drinks to transcend the fatigue of our digital days and lives. Véronique Grenier embarks on a “fatigue odyssey” to explore what she calls our ordinary fatigues, those that are intimate to us, but that also define us socially. Because to be tired is to be busy, and to look at our fatigues is to confront our relationship with time.”


“What is silence? Where is it? Why is it more important today than ever? In this intimate and activist account, Norwegian modern-day adventurer Erling Kagge offers thirty-three tentative answers. Drawn from his travels and explorations, his insights will help readers escape the din of the world and find a path to a soothing silence. A Little Silence in This Noisy Age is the work of a larger-than-life man, a sensitive philosopher, one of those who leaves an indelible mark on all who meet and read him.”


“The story opens with a letter written by the writer to his unborn daughter. It is followed by twenty short texts devoted to each month of the autumn season which make up a sort of diary in which each day is devoted to the observation of a feeling or a phenomenon.”


“How can we welcome change in our lives with serenity? In this tender and profound work, Nicole Bordeleau shares memories, inspiring anecdotes and rich life lessons. Through a soothing and delicate writing style, she helps us discover the benefits of the art of attention: a way of being and seeing the world that can radically change our daily lives. Step by step, she teaches us to awaken our senses, to pacify our minds, to transcend our fears, to free within us creativity, spontaneity and the joy of living, here and now. With three decades of meditative practice, the author proves to be a valuable companion on the path to transformation and wisdom. Her teachings allow us to accept with confidence the fleeting and unpredictable nature of all things. In an increasingly uncertain world, this luminous book offers real tools to build our happiness, our peace and our inner security.”


“Following a double bereavement, Amande leaves everything behind. Abandoning her job, her apartment and her friends, she takes refuge in an old farm in Auvergne to live alone and fully her grief. But in her new house, she discovers the gardening notebooks of the previous owner. She then decides to revive the abandoned garden. Story of a bucolic rebirth.”


Bonus: to feel perfect cozy


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Happy reading!

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