Reading night, reconnecting young people with books

Reading night, reconnecting young people with books
Reading night, reconnecting young people with books

“Heritage” is the theme of this edition. Reading night, an event celebrated around the world, is organized this evening from 4:30 p.m. at the Taimoana school and at the University of Polynesia at 6 p.m. On Saturday, books will be celebrated at the Maison de la Culture.

Literary encounters, cultural workshops, fun workshops for children and discovery of Polynesian heritage. For the 9th night of reading, the Maison de la culture saw things big. With one objective, to restore the desire to read, especially among young people.

At the house of culture, sitting side by side, two young schoolchildren. “I like reading, it allows me to learn things,” confides one of them. “. But, in the digital age, they are an exception.

Reading night, reconnecting young people with books

©polynesia the 1st

The first generations often do not need to be introduced to reading, they often grew up with it. Joëlle is a great reader. She often comes to the Maison de la Culture to borrow books. She reads an average of ten per month. “We always learn through reading,” she begins. Or, we discover a word that we don’t know, or that we have forgotten. We look in the dictionary. I like the touch of the book, that someone made the book that it also passed into hands, that it lived. “.


Make people want to read, an objective which is also reflected in the investment made by the Maison de la Culture in its library. “In recent years, we have mainly renewed our documentary collection. We bought a lot of new books and novels, especially for children,” lists Audrey Mercier, deputy head of permanent activities at the library.

Reading night, reconnecting young people with books

©polynesia the 1st

Reading night begins this evening at the Taimoana school in Papeete from 4:30 p.m. and also at the University of French Polynesia at 6 p.m. An introduction to himene tumu will be offered by the Reo UPF association while the artist Vanaa will lead a creative workshop around words. Tomorrow, the event continues at the Maison de la Culture. It is free and open to all.



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