The Manor of the Sacrificed Olivier Merle

The Manor of the Sacrificed Olivier Merle

Yec’hed mat

Résumé :
A series of savage murders. Men are found with their heads smashed in by a strangely shaped object, an eye gouged out, their backs scarred, and in a prostrate position before a Neanderthal skull. The victims’ wives have all disappeared, leaving behind traces of a struggle. Commander Grimm and his team lead the investigation from Rennes to Strasbourg, via Montpellier.

My opinion.
In my countryside, short of reading for the last few days, I went to browse the shelves of the local bookstore. Came across this novel whose author is the son of Robert MERLE, a distinguished and oh so appreciated storyteller! Promising back cover. Come on, for the poolside.
A little disappointment.

The shape.
Rather well written, compared to the current French production in terms of thrillers (but hey, given the level of most of the others, it’s not very difficult!); linear construction, but pleasant style and correct French. Only downside: the abusive, repeated use (I think I counted seven or eight!), and never wisely, of “hors norme” – you have to stop watching “Crimes” and other shows of the same ilk in which this term is debased by ignorant and parrot-like columnists. A murder cannot be “hors norme”! If there were a norm in crime, we would know about it.

The background.
Nothing very original. Simplistic story, easy investigation without surprises (good grief, of course!), dull characters, brief scenario for an episode of “Murder in…”. The whole thing is bathed in dyed-in-the-wool Manichaeism, easy commonplaces, and futile clichés.


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