Published on December 11, 2024 at 09:33.
5 mins. reading
Thirteen synopses. Thirteen different ways to present the story of a woman, thirteen possible ways to freeze the existence of the American painter Hollis Jeffcoat on screen. Except that it's a book and these successive synopses fail one after the other to reflect the complexity of an existence. First destined to become a cinematographic project, It could have been a movie is the story of a very personal investigation carried out by the Quebec essayist and novelist Martine Delvaux on Hollis Jeffcoat. Here is a possible option among the dozen summaries that could be made of this book, as the richness of the subjects covered in this work constantly exceeds the framework that we seek to give it.
However, in 2018, the year of Hollis Jeffcoat's death, Martine Delvaux had never heard of this artist. Little did she know that she would become “haunted”, “obsessed”, “fascinated”, to the point of devoting five years of her life to it, then an equally captivating book. No, in 2018, Martine Delvaux just published Thelma, Louise & moia tribute and reflection based on this cult road movie by Ridley Scott, whose discovery in the cinema in 1991 will forever mark his feminist commitment: “I understood what I was going to have to deal with for the rest of my life. life, what I would silently commit to fighting against, to prove that it is not true, to show that, no, women's lives do not deserve to remain forever suspended in the blue sky […] our lives are worth living, they are worth something.”
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