Top 10 best-selling books of the week at La Procure


Essays, novels, biographies… Find the ranking of the best-selling books from September 6 to 13, 2024 in La Procure bookstores. A selection of inspiring readings from the works published in the last four months.

1Letter on the Role of Literature

Résumé : Pope Francis, Cerf, September 2024. Passionate about literature, Pope Francis, who taught literature, quotes Dante, Borges, Proust, Cocteau, Lewis, and Eliot. He confides his love for tragedy and poetry. He invites each and every one of us to rediscover the taste for reading. A letter to reconcile – but if it were necessary – the Church with the Humanities. Find it in bookstores.

2Peasant of God

Cassingena-Trevedy, Francois Peasant of God

Résumé : François Cassingena-Trévedy, Albin Michel, September 2024. After more than thirty years of monastic life, F. Cassingena-Trévedy settled in the heart of Auvergne, on the Cézallier plateau. His life there is punctuated by prayer, liturgical services and the help he gives to farmers for milking cows or working in the fields. He recounts his daily life. Find it in bookstores.



Résumé : Gaël Faye, Grasset, August 2024. Milan, an only child, sees Claude, a boy from Rwanda, appear in his life. The two young people become great friends, until the latter leaves for his country, leaving Milan alone and sad. Later, he goes to Rwanda to find him and discovers the secrets of his family, the history of the country and the genocide of the Tutsis. Find it in bookstores.

4The First Story


Résumé : Frédéric Gros, Albin Michel, August 2024. The story of Théoklïa, the first holy martyr of the early Church. A young noblewoman from ancient Iconium, she breaks off her engagement to follow the precepts of Paul of Tarsus. Miraculously saved from the stake, she escapes rape and lions and then self-baptizes herself in a lake infested with crocodiles. Slandered and discredited, she quickly becomes the standard brandished by the people of women. Find it in bookstores.



Résumé : Kamel Daoud, Gallimard, August 2024. Aube is a young mute Algerian woman who dreams of a voice transplant. The tragedies that have marked the country, including the war of independence and the civil war of the 1990s, are anchored on her body in the form of a scar on her neck. Pregnant, she goes to her native village to question the dead, questioning her right to keep the child to come. Find it in bookstores.

6Day of the surf


Résumé : Kerangal MaylisVerticales, August 2024. The narrator is confronted with the lifeless body of a man, found on a beach in Le Havre. This event forces her to recall some memories. Find it in bookstores.

7Christian Faith for the Curious and Beginners

Résumé : Artège, September 2024. A discovery of the Christian faith, addressing various subjects such as the Bible, God, evil, the sacraments and beliefs. Find it in bookstores.

8The Impossible Return

Amelie Nothomb

Résumé : Amélie Nothomb, Albin Michel, August 2024. Photographer Pep Beni wins a trip to Japan. She offers the author, her friend, to accompany her as a guide. This ten-day journey in a country she had not been to since 2012 turns out to be above all an intimate journey. Find it in bookstores.



Résumé : Olivier GuezGrasset, August 2024. Born in 1868 into a wealthy family, Gertrude Bell became the most influential woman in the British Empire in the early 1920s. An explorer, archaeologist, writer and spy, she embodies a form of heroism driven by her love of the Orient, emancipation and international diplomacy. The author recounts her misadventures and does justice to this powerful woman. Find it in bookstores.

10Rikiki Tutti: Or the Secret Flavor of Three Times Nothing

Résumé : Raphaël Buyse, Desclée De Brouwer, August 2024. By considering a gesture, a word or the little things in life, the author invites us to return to the Gospels and to a path of wonder in spiritual life. He shows how, by letting ourselves be carried away by encounters and events that seem ordinary, God is present in everyone’s daily life. Find it in bookstores.


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