Gouesnousian Jean-Paul Bonniou releases his third book about his father, Résistant

Gouesnousian Jean-Paul Bonniou releases his third book about his father, Résistant
Gouesnousian Jean-Paul Bonniou releases his third book about his father, Résistant

The only son of a Resistance hero who belonged to the famous Elie group of the first resistance fighters, Jean-Paul Bonniou discussed the reasons for the commitment of his father, Auguste Bonniou, in the fight against the occupier. “My father was a quiet person who never said anything. After discovering his membership in the Elie group, I wanted to know what his motivations were. This work is the logical continuation of the previous one

. Above all, it allows me to identify the deep reasons for my father’s commitment. Looking back, I feel guilty for not having asked him why he joined the Resistance during this particularly troubled period,” explains Jean-Paul Bonniou. The author thus provides valuable testimony on the participation of these young people from Brest in the fight against the occupier. Didactic, Jean-Paul Bonniou also wants to make his contribution to the historic building. “It’s about providing testimony from a person who exposes himself to justify his commitment.”

“The Elie Group 1940-1941”, éditions du Menhir, October 2021

Practical“A youth in the turmoil of war”, on sale at Editions du Menhir à Dialogues, Espace Culturel Leclerc, Cultura and Fnac. Price: €14.90



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