From book to audio, “Le Père Noël à ” will raise funds for hospitalized children

“Everyone is capable of mobilizing when they are convinced of the cause,” notes the trio. In light of the end-of-year celebrations, the project of bringing Santa Claus in has never been closer to coming to fruition. Already published in 2018, by PGCOM editions, written by Véronique Barbotin and illustrated by Michel Breton, the book has, this year, been somewhat refreshed, by being adapted into audio and video format.

“I have been working with Michel for several years. His way of drawing the bears was the way I wanted to give Texou a face,” says Véronique Barbotin. Main character of his little stories under the tree, Texou first went to meet Santa Claus in Lapland. “We said to ourselves that it would be a shame to stop there and that it would be great to bring him to Rambouillet. »

A particularity of this book intended for the youngest, beyond giving a succession of nods to the city throughout its 44 pages, is its vocation to allow other children to escape from their daily lives. “All copyright and illustrator rights are donated to the Louis-Carlesimo association, which offers dreams and hope to sick children,” specifies the author. The association allows, for example, children to go and meet the real Santa Claus in Lapland. “The circle is complete, it gives a lot of meaning to what we do,” agree Véronique Barbotin and Michel Breton.

The Lions club also got involved in this adventure by offering, each year, thirty books in the run-up to Christmas, to children hospitalized in Rambouillet and the Bullion pediatric and rehabilitation hospital. Thanks to the donations collected this year, twenty additional books will be distributed in four AP-HP hospitals.

Delphine Wespiser, the voices of Matt Damon and Ryan Gosling…

“This year, in addition to having access to the object, children will benefit from this story told by the most beautiful voices. » Since in fact, over the years, the desire and the idea of ​​reusing this book in another form tickles the author. “For those who do not know or are not able to read, we had the idea of ​​bringing the work to life in a different way. »

In the latest published books, a QR code is inserted before the first page. “We discover a video of around fifteen minutes,” announces Benjamin Pallier, director for more than fifteen years, who has just finished editing.


Around him, thanks to his network, he also managed to mobilize a whole team of actors, specialized in dubbing, on a voluntary basis. “I was immediately up for it when I was offered the project, even though I had never done that. I wanted to keep the spirit of the book by animating the video so that the pages turn. » And to “give a little more weight to the story, the voices borrowed from the characters are all known and recognized”.

In the role of the narrator, Delphine Wespiser, Miss 2012, columnist and television host; Alexandre Gillet, French voice of Ryan Gosling, plays Texou; Benoît Almane lends his voice, after Morgan Freeman, to Santa Claus; Damien Boisseau, who regularly doubles for Matt Damon, played different characters for this project.

“Everyone was delighted to participate in this project,” says Benjamin Pallier. They practically all worked independently, following the various directives that we had drawn up with Véronique and Michel. » Intonation, rhythm, voice type, maturity, scansion and articulation… “The different tests were sent to me via voice messages, so that I could edit them. » Only Delphine Wespiser, the central thread of the story as narrator, recorded at the CMC studio, loaned for the occasion, in , with Benjamin Pallier.

Practical. Santa Claus in Rambouillet, €12. To order the signed book with the video link: laplumedevé[email protected]

Jade Saved



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