Jean-Baptiste Drouot, the children’s favorite at the Youth Book Fair

Jean-Baptiste Drouot, the children’s favorite at the Youth Book Fair
Jean-Baptiste Drouot, the children’s favorite at the Youth Book Fair

« This is the second prize of my life after the patent », jokes Jean-Baptiste Drouot, freshly crowned with his prize, with his album Meet at the swimming pool.

He was told that the theme of the 38e edition of the Children’s Book Fair had humor as its common thread. That’s good, there’s no shortage of them and the young audience wasn’t indifferent to it, since they awarded him the coveted children’s prize. “ It’s nice because it’s rare that we hear back from the children. We know we’re doing it for them. Besides, I’ve never won a prize. Well yes, but it was a very small thing so we say it doesn’t count », he slips between two dedications. “ It’s the icing on the cake. Being invited and being with other cutting-edge authors and illustrators is validation from your peers. There are people whose work I admire, who tell me that what I do is really good. »

“It’s thanks to the children that I can moonwalk into the canteen room saying I’m the one who has it”

If he dipped both feet into the pot of children’s literature, it is thanks to artists like Tomi Ungerer, Quentin Blake and Benjamin Chaud. Real models for those who launched into this universe only ten years ago. “ I made a few children’s albums during my studies. I told myself that one day I would do it. I did one ten years ago, a second and more and more ».

He ended up putting his finger in the gears, abandoning his job as a graphic designer. “ When we start something in , that’s all we do. One came to replace the other and it’s not bad to make this choice ».

Even though since he was little, he dreamed of drawing, but not necessarily for children. “ My mother was a children’s librarian, my father was an architect and made drawings for me in the evenings. I guess one plus the other, there’s a little seed that’s been planted. Even when I was 30, my mother brought me children’s books, never adult ones. As long as I’m having fun, they’re happy ».

Proud to have received this prize, Jean-Baptiste Drouot does not lose his humor. “ Thanks to you (children)I beat everyone else. I’m delighted to be able to make fun of my colleagues. It’s thanks to the children that I can moonwalk into the canteen room sayingit’s me who has it. I already did it earlier and I think I’m going to do it again this evening, Saturday and even Sunday ».

As we told you, this year at the Book Fair, humor and laughter are the driving forces behind all great stories.

You will be able to find Jean-Baptiste Drouot signing at the Youth Book Fair throughout the weekend.



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