Books and you | TV83

October 7, year zero of Guillaume Auda

256 pages
format 14,20 x 21,20cm
ISBN 2749181356
Prix 19,90€
Editions Cherche midi

October 7, and after? How do Israeli and Palestinian societies, and more particularly young people in both countries, envisage the future? Senior reporter Guillaume Auda investigates on the ground to hear and understand the anger, the pain, and if they still remain, the hopes.

The abominable terrorist attack perpetrated by Hamas seems to have frozen time in an eternal present, that of shared terror, anger, violence. The ensuing war in Gaza, its brutality, and the risks of conflagration in the region prolong this state of astonishment and fear.
Yet each historical date, as devastating as it may be, contains within itself the announcement of a new era, since it makes a clean sweep of the past. So what will be the future of Israelis and Palestinians after October 7, 2023?
To try to answer this crucial question, Guillaume Auda went there to contact each other, to survey the two young people, and measure the bloody gap that separates them today. He does this with a single course of action: allowing everyone to say, to testify, to speak. Hearing the resentments, the hatreds but also the nuances that sometimes slip between the words, seeking to reveal a semblance of horizon.

Because it is not yet another historical or geopolitical analysis, and because it has nothing of a partisan plea or a pamphlet, this book refuses boxes and analyzes drawn in advance.
On the contrary, he stands at the height of men and women, scrutinizing individual journeys to delve to the roots of evil and understand those who will shape the future of this battered Middle East.
An essential choral story, to think about October 7, year 1.

The Big Book of Strategy of Edward N. Luttwak
Of peace and war

416 pages
format : 155 x 240 mm
EAN13 : 9782415009649
Prix : 25,90€
Odile Jacob Editions

“If you want peace, prepare for war”, “the best defense is attack”: popular wisdom recognizes the paradoxical nature of strategy. In war, the best is often the enemy of the good; deliberate weakening can lead to victory and excess in victory can lead to defeat; material superiority is sometimes a handicap and numerical inferiority an advantage. “You might think that each experience of conflict is unique. However, over the years, I have discovered that strategy is made up of paradoxes, ironies, contradictions. What’s more, it develops in two directions: horizontal confrontations between adversaries and vertical interaction of different levels — technical, tactical, operational, etc. — on which the conflict takes place. This book is therefore the map of an exploration. » EL

Rich in classic and more recent examples, it reveals the universal logic which governs all forms of war as well as negotiations between opposing nations in times of peace.

Edward N. Luttwak is one of the most internationally respected specialists in strategy and geopolitics. He works notably at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington and has published Coup d’Etat, instructions for use, The American Dream in danger and Turbo-capitalism.



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