“So Far Away” by Nicolas Peyrac: a poetic journey, a moving book

“So Far Away” by Nicolas Peyrac: a poetic journey, a moving book
“So Far Away” by Nicolas Peyrac: a poetic journey, a moving book


“When we love to look, we find a thousand reasons to imprison the moment, the place, the light and these little things of time that pass, but will always remain there for us, thanks to the image imprisoned forever so that we remember it and let every emotion around it tell us once again I am here. »

This is how Nicolas Peyrac, who we knew as a famous singer, introduced a beautiful book of his own composition which reveals his other life, that of a photographer.

Nicolas Peyrac, multi-talented artist, invites us on a new journey. After having marked several generations with his timeless songs, he returns today with a project as personal as it is universal: the release of his book of photographs “So Far Away”, published by Ramsay, is a true ode to the beauty of the world , much more than a collection of images.

Through his lens, Nicolas Peyrac captures the essence of the landscapes he crossed during his numerous travels. Each photograph reveals a story, a moment frozen in time, tinged with emotion and depth. But also, a return to his roots, to , the city of his childhood, to the nostalgia that brings balm to the heart.

What makes this work unique is the combination of words and images. Known for his poetic pen and his caring outlook on life, Nicolas Peyrac accompanies each photo with a sensitive and powerful text. His words, imbued with emotion and poetry, resonate with the depth of his soul, and invite the reader to introspection, to a reverie, to a rediscovery of the world around us.

Through this work, Nicolas Peyrac wishes to share his love for what is beautiful, what is fragile, what is great. His photos are windows open to emotions, and his words, bridges that connect the reader to what he feels when discovering them.

Nicolas Peyrac, whose real name is Jean-Jacques Tazartez, also publishes a 24th album, From here or elsewherecomposed of 22 tracks inspired by the Moody Blues and their legendary record Days of Future Past.

Nicolas Peyrac therefore continues to surprise and amaze with his ability to capture emotion, whether through music or, today, through his photographs.

Macha Baute

“So Far Away.” In bookstore. 180 pages – 35 euros



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