Who are the book authors whose film adaptations have won the most Oscars?

Who are the authors whose film adaptations have won the most Oscars?

This is a question that deserves to be asked when we see how current film productions, whether in cinemas or on platforms like Netflix or Prime Video, very often come from literature.

Word Finder
To our great surprise, it is the films based on the works of William Shakespeare that rise to the top of the podium with 23 Oscars!

WFX explains as an example “The plays of William Shakespeare have found very different forms on the big screen, as evidenced by the differences between West Side Story et Romeo + Juliet by Baz Luhrmann, both adapted from the same play.”

He is far ahead of JRR Tolkien who “received” 17 Oscars or even Larry McMurtry (13 Oscars). The author is known in particular for his Lonesome Dove series.
Looking at the infographic below, you’ll also notice that films adapted from works by deceased authors have won more Oscars than those by living writers.

Also discover Which book adaptations brought in the most money at the cinema? The answer is here

infographic author and cinema oscarsinfographic author and cinema oscars



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