They transform the book object into a work of art

They transform the book object into a work of art
They transform the book object into a work of art

They collect everything from dead leaves to lace, including pictures and beautiful papers. They also have a whole host of stamps, markers and scissors that enthusiasts of scrapbooking know each other well. It is in the creation of book-objects that Zywia Krolikowski and Thérèse Rinuit have come together, a creative art to be discovered at the Renaudot Museum until December 16 with the temporary exhibition Fold, unfold, read.

“Imagination has no limits when it comes to creating this type of object”

“It would be difficult to do more appropriately than an exhibition on books at the Renaudot Museumbelieves Jean-Yves Chèvre-Baleige, head of the Loudun museums. To the pleasure of reading, Zywia Krolikowski and Thérèse Rinuit respond with the pleasure of sight by transforming the book object itself into a work of art.

For two years, the two artists of the exhibition, Zywia Krolikowski and Thérèse Rinuit, have shared a common passion for the creation of book-objects, since the discovery of the works of Coco Téxèdre at the Maison de l’art roman de Loudun as part of the Book Festival in 2017. A revelation. Since then, they meet regularly and exchange techniques, felt-tip pens or stamps. Each explores her own inner universe. “Imagination has no limits when it comes to creating this type of object”they confide.

Much more than creating books, Zywia Krolikowski and Thérèse Rinuit create unique objects that can be leafed through, playful works in an unexpected format. Some reach, when unfolded, the size of a pen. Others unfold like a cloud of butterflies in as many meticulous images to be observed more closely. Visitors will also be able to discover the leporellothe accordion book, a traditional form of the book-object. A book-object is an object that is a book but not ordinary.Zywia Krolikowski suggests to define it. It’s like a book that you read with your hands, by touching it, as much as with your eyes. “.

Full of poetry, their content is delicate and colorful. Their images are sometimes as sparkling as their creators. Among reader-users, curiosity gives way to wonder. The book-objects are then admired, like authentic works of art, so surprising is the meticulousness of some creations. Creative artists then join the talented book artisans of yesteryear.

Workshops will be held on Wednesday, October 23 and Saturday, October 26 at 3 p.m. to try your hand at creating a book-object and discover the pleasure of creative freedom.

Exhibition “Fold, unfold, read” at the Renaudot Museum, 2, petite rue du Jeu-de-Paume. From September 27 to December 16, 2024. With surprises reserved for visitors.
Museum opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Information: [email protected]
Museum visit: free at €2, guided at €4. Free for under 18s.
“Books in games” workshops: Wednesday, October 23 and Saturday, October 26 at 3 p.m.



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