Orthez: the cultural season opens with the Book Days

A nice program

The official launch of the Book and Seasons Days will take place on Friday, October 11 at 8:30 p.m. at the Francis Planté theater, with a reading-concert. The guest of honor, Magyd Cherfi (singer of Zebda), will offer his show “Longue haleine”. Excerpts from his various works, mixed with songs, to discover his lively and poetic writing and his ironic tone in the service of tender and hard-hitting stories. As for the guest authors, Emmanuel Hanon notes “a lot of diversity, we go from Magyd Cherfi to Eric Sanvoisin, via Jo Witek or locals like Marc Large. It’s a great edition that promises to be!”

Magyd Cherfi will be on stage at the theatre to open the season.


The week before the Book Days is always reserved for schoolchildren, who will be able to meet and talk with several guest authors. “These are always great encounters for the students, it is very enriching for them to see authors in real life and ask them questions about their work,” assures the mayor. Stéphanie Orliac, head of the Culture department, reminds us: “We train students in the Accompaniment, care and personal services option, from the Francis Jammes high school in reading aloud, so that they can then go and read Malika Doray’s albums to the little ones.”

A lively weekend

There will be plenty of activities at La Moutète throughout the weekend: “There will be one every hour. Whether it’s meetings, readings or workshops, we wanted a dynamic edition! This will encourage people to go and see the exhibitors,” notes Stéphanie Orliac.

Workshops with children’s authors for the little ones, literary and musical naps for all, a focus on publishing houses, reading meetings, a drawing battle, there will be something for all tastes and all generations. Not forgetting the traditional presentation of the works of local authors, but which this time will have to be done… in just 365 seconds! Librarians will also be mobilized for impromptu readings all day long, and the Lud’Orthez association will offer to discover the game “Nouvelles contrées”. The curious will also be able to go and discover the exhibitions, some of which are “to listen to”. Note the partnership with the Reading Center of the community of communes of Lacq-Orthez, which will make it possible to offer meetings outside the walls and in particular at the Mi [X] in Mourenx.

And for next season, the City plans to involve the public: it is holding a meeting on Thursday, November 14 at 6 p.m. at the media library, to exchange ideas on the construction of the 2025 edition.

Guest authors

The City invited a variety of authors: Magyd Chérif (stories and novels); Bernadette Pécassou (local novels, historical novels); Marc Large (illustration, documentaries, novels); Gilles Kerloc’h (illustration, documentaries, stories); Gilles Francescano (illustrator); Gérard Mordillat (novels, poetry). On the youth side, we find: Malika Doray (children’s albums); Laëtitia Devernay (children’s albums); Eric Sanvoisin (children’s novels); Jo Witek (children’s albums and novels); Ancestral Z (mangas).

Shows to discover throughout the seasons

After the Book Days, the Seasons will continue with numerous shows throughout the year. “In the proposals, we wanted something joyful, attractive, for a varied audience,” points out Stéphanie Orliac. A new feature to note this year: some shows are taking place on Thursday evenings. The City is thus seeking “to forge a closer partnership with the theater option of the Fébus high school, which will be able to travel more easily on a Thursday.”

On November 15, dance will be offered with “CHoPin” by Christine Hassid. A show that questions the notions of memory and identity, exploring the wide emotional palette provided by Chopin’s music. In another register, the Le Glob company will present its show that mixes theater and music, around the character of Marilyn Monroe, on Thursday, November 28. This will be followed by the traditional New Year’s concert in January, a participatory show “En sortir de l’école”, improv theater with a show on the theme of cinema, concerts and in particular gypsy jazz with Antoine Boyer or even a revisit of songs from Anne Sylvestre’s adult repertoire… Not to mention the magic festival, which returns to the Théâtre Planté on Friday, October 18 and Saturday, October 19. In short, a diversity of proposals, to please everyone!

In terms of prices, the City wanted something “reasonable”: with the subscription, the shows are 10 or 12 euros (three shows minimum), whereas they are 15 or 20 euros without the subscription.

In November, Marilyn Monroe will be in the spotlight.

DR Guy Labadens

Youth is not left out

The City and the media library are also renewing the youth program “Tu fais koa”, with free shows, especially during the holidays. “We are committed to this free service, it is a real choice to make culture accessible from a young age”, explains Stéphanie Orliac. The first show, entitled “Bonobo”, is offered on Wednesday, October 23: it is a poetic, dreamlike, and sometimes wacky musical and visual journey. Others will follow, whether they are committed like “Sauvons la forêt” (October 30), poetic like “Sous une pluie d’été” (November 7), or offbeat like “Blanc Flocon” (December 21).

Also note: the media library maintains its appointments on Saturdays and Wednesdays, including Pixel Play, an image education program for young people.



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