Vietnamese Author Top Seller on Amazon

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Vo Minh Quân and his books. TT/CVN

Vo Minh Quan, 37, is an author known under the pseudonym Quan Vo. A former physics student at the High School of the National University of Ho Chi Minh City, he later studied computer science at the University of Science (HCMUS), under the same university.

In 2017, he was awarded a scholarship by the Irish Government to pursue a Masters in Management at Trinity Business School, part of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland’s first and oldest university (over 400 years old).

He is now CEO of a digital marketing company and a lecturer at HCMUS in Ho Chi Minh City.

Success in writing

Vo Minh Quân wrote a book in Vietnamese: Digital Marketing cho nhà quan lý (Digital Marketing for Managers) published in 2022, then Profit-Driven Digital Marketing in Englishpublished in March 2023. The author specifies: “The contents of these two books are 95% similar, but have some differences to adapt to market contexts.”.

Digital Marketing cho nhà quan lýavailable on e-commerce platforms and major bookstores in Vietnam, has sold 5,000 copies in just over a year. It has also been nominated in the categories ““Top 5 Books by Vietnamese Entrepreneurs” and “Top 10 Business Books to Read in 2023””, by the weekly The New Saigon (Saigon Entrepreneurs).

Profit-Driven Digital Marketing is sold on all Amazon marketplaces, with ebook versions. The audio version is available on platforms such as Google Play, Barnes&Noble,, Kobo, and It was ranked Top New Release and Top1 Best Seller in the global marketing field on Amazon’s Kindle store, just one month after its release. According to Amazon statistics, the countries with the most buyers of Vo Minh Quân’s book are the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Japan, and the Netherlands.

This is a great joy, because the book is entirely self-published, without the intermediary of a large publishing house.”, he confides.

Vo Minh Quân has already managed to get his book in English into the libraries of twelve major universities in Ireland (50% of the country’s institutions). The book is also available at the library of Leeds Beckett University in the United Kingdom, as well as at RMIT University and the University of Foreign Trade in Vietnam.

Export” knowledge

The book “Profit-Driven Digital Marketing” by Vo Minh Quân available at Leeds Beckett University Libraries (UK).

For him, writing a book is not just about compiling ideas, but involves thinking deeply about the product (the name, the packaging, the design of the packaging and its presentation). All this is very difficult. Quality and relevant content remains the most important. Readers must find personal interest and situations that they are likely to encounter on their scale, so that they can use it in their own lives.

Speaking about publishing and marketing books abroad, the author points out that competition on e-commerce platforms such as Amazon is extremely fierce. Customers must partly rely on the author’s personal image to make their choice. In the vast and diverse foreign market where countless experts in many sectors operate, a new author like Vo Minh Quân faces even more complex competition.I started from scratch. In my career, I encountered many difficulties”. “Previously, few people thought I could sell books internationally. But I did it!“, he rejoices.

Alongside his career in marketing and writing, Vo Minh Quân implemented the “Góc sách Viêt” (Vietnamese Book Corner) project to facilitate access to the knowledge and experiences of experts in various fields. This project has distributed more than 1,000 books to 20 universities.

Dan Thanh/CVN



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