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South Holland is also full of activities during Open Monument Day – Advertising Pijnacker-Nootdorp | Telstar-online

do 5 sep, 10:15

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On Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September, it is VriendenLoterij Open Monument Day again, the largest cultural event in the Netherlands. Thousands of monuments open their doors to the public for free that weekend. This way, you can look inside unique places that you would not normally go to. South Holland is also full of activities.

During this 38th edition, the heritage of ‘Routes, networks and connections’ will receive extra attention in and around the monuments. Did you know that almost 1,000 monuments are opened in South Holland? In addition, there are numerous activities for young and old, such as exhibitions, guided tours, cycling routes, walks and music performances. Here are some tips, but above all, view the full range of open monuments and activities in South Holland.


Tour of the old village – Pijnacker-Nootdorp
In the run-up to the Monumentenweekend on 14 and 15 September, the Historical Society Oud-Pijnacker (HGOP) has launched an extensive online catalogue, in which all 68 monumental buildings in Pijnacker, Oude Leede and Delfgauw are highlighted. This valuable source is now available on the HGOP website and offers insight into the history and architecture of these historic buildings.

City yard Koningspoort – Rotterdam
Discover the rich maritime history of Rotterdam at Stadswerf Koningspoort. The barge Krimpenerwaard (1891) is under repair and can be partly visited. There are guided tours by guides who explain various parts of the shipyard. On Saturday, freerunners from Rotterdam Street Culture Week will transform the Oude Haven and the historic shipyard De Koningspoort into a vibrant stage full of acrobatic feats.

Fenixloods II FENIX – Rotterdam
During Open Monument Day you will have the unique opportunity to visit the construction site of FENIX. This historic harbor warehouse from 1923 will be transformed into a museum that tells stories about migration through an international art collection.

Kneuterdijk Palace – The Hague
On Saturday you can visit Paleis Kneuterdijk. Nowadays it is used by the Council of State, but once it was the city palace of King Willem II and Queen Anna Paulowna. Discover the banquet hall, the Gothic hall and walk through the French garden. Also visit the nearby Cabinet of the King.

Historic Tugboat Harbor and Towing Day – Leiden
Since 1990, Leiden has had another tugboat harbour. During Open Monument Day, you can admire iconic tugboats such as The Oil Well (1958) in From Alba (1911) up close. Sunday afternoon is extra special with the Historical Trekvaartdag.

Aarlanderveen four-lane mill
Discover the only working four-gang mill in the world! Excess water from the deep polder is gradually pumped into the Oude Rijn, using only the power of wind and wings, under the supervision of four expert millers.

The Eleven Villages Tour – Kaag and Braassem
Experience the history of Kaag en Braassem by bike. The Elfdorpentocht takes you past the most iconic monuments of the region and through eleven village centres. In addition to picturesque villages, you will also see many mills. On Saturday evening, the Molennacht is held.

Historical stations
NS is this edition partner of Open Monument Day. Did you know that the Netherlands has almost 90 national monument stations? Many of these stations participate in extra activities. For example, visit the Royal Waiting Room at Station Den Haag HS (reservation required).

Monument for sale – Vlaardingen
Rarely can you look inside private monumental homes, unless they are for sale. Especially for Open Monument Day, NVM and funda are organizing an Open (monumental) Home Day. A unique opportunity to view hidden gems, such as a beautiful apartment in a national monument on the Oude Haven in Vlaardingen.


Make it easy for yourself and download the OMDapp before you set off. That way, you have all monuments and activities at your fingertips. Search by monument name, city/village or province and view the results in a list or on a handy map. Save your favourites and navigate between monuments with Google Maps. Download the app for free in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. More information can be found at

National opening

On Friday evening 13 September the national opening will take place in Hilversum at the Town Hall of Dudok. Janny van der Heijden, ambassador of Open Monument Day, will give the starting signal, after which the monument will be illuminated by a special light projection. Trumpet player André Heuvelman will provide musical accompaniment to the opening.

OMD photo contest

Photography enthusiasts are challenged to take photos of monuments during Open Monument Day. Jury chairman William Rutten will assess the entries together with heritage organisations. The winner will receive a Kamera Express gift card worth €400 and a ProFotonet photo with a box frame. NS offers free train tickets for the second place. More information at

About Open Monument Day

The VriendenLoterij Open Monument Day is organized annually by Stichting Nederland Monumentenland in collaboration with 300 local committees and 18,000 volunteers. The event attracts 1.5 million visitors annually and opens thousands of monuments in the Netherlands to the public in order to increase interest in monument care.

About the Netherlands Monumentenland Foundation

Stichting Nederland Monumentenland connects monuments with the daily lives of Dutch people. By organizing meetings between monument owners, heritage professionals and the public, monuments are experienced, appreciated and cherished. The foundation also organizes events such as the VriendenLoterij Open Monument Day and the National Monument Congress.


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