DayFR Euro

“The person came in and slapped him”: a TEC driver was attacked on Tuesday, an emotional strike is underway in Hainaut

Many buses are not running in Hainaut this Tuesday morning following a spontaneous strike movement.

A spontaneous strike movement is underway at the TEC this Wednesday in almost the whole of Hainaut, that is to say the regions of Mons Borinage, Centre and Western Hainaut. The region of Charleroi is not affected for the moment.

The reason for this movement is the assault of a driver on Tuesday evening in Trazegnies.There are very few buses running in the three regions“, says Audrey Lepape, spokesperson for the TEC.”We cannot yet say whether the situation will return to normal by Thursday.

What happened?

According to Michel Kovaric, bus driver and CGSLB delegate, the attack was very quick.The driver opened the door, the person came in, slapped him and came out arguing that there were not enough buses or the buses were late in his area” he says. “It’s completely free. There’s nothing more to say, we don’t know what happened in this person’s head.

The union representative highlights the drivers’ fears.We notice a lot of physical aggression, but also verbal aggression which is almost daily, names being called, it’s quite unpleasant.” he sighs.

Gros impact

In Mons, 15% of journeys are assured. In Eugies, 1 bus in 10 has left the depot. Only 5% of buses are running in the central region. Finally, Western Hainaut is less impacted with 75% of journeys remaining assured.

The TEC specifies that a certificate is available and invites users to check the timetables in real time to find out if their line is impacted.



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