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The surprising vending machine that you can find in Sotres, the most “exemplary” town in Asturias

Forget about the typical vending machines that spit out cans of soda or chocolates. In Sotres, the highest village in Asturias and recently crowned as the Model Town 2024What comes out of these machines is a true gastronomic treasure: Cabrales cheese.

In the heart of the Picos de Europa, this small enclave has decided to take tradition one step further, offering its star product in a way that is as unusual as it is modern. The machine, located in one of the cheese factories in this picturesque town in the municipality of Cabrales, and which operates 24 hours a day, has become an attraction in itself.

This cheese is no small feat. It is a blue cheese with Protected Designation of Origin that can cost up to 90 euros a piece. Although if your pocket doesn’t stretch to that, there are also more affordable options in the vending machine, with small portions that cost around 10 euros. In addition, there are also other typical products from the area.

Some users who have seen the video have noted in the comments section that they had the honour of visiting the town and the cheese factory that installed the machine. They all left with a good piece of cheese and great satisfaction: “Impressive.”

The Kings will visit the town in October

The Exemplary Town of Asturias Award is like the Oscar for Asturian towns, an award that puts the spotlight on towns that have done an exceptional job of maintaining and improving their environment. It is not just a nice recognition to hang on the wall of the town hall, but it brings with it a series of benefits and, of course, a notoriety that goes beyond the borders of the municipality itself.

The King and Queen of Spain will be able to taste this cheese in October

Sergio Rodriguez / GTRES

To begin with, the award puts Sotres on the map, literally. The town will receive a visit from the Royal Family on 26 October, an event that is not only an honour, but also acts as a powerful media loudspeaker. From one day to the next, Sotres is not just “that pretty town in the Picos de Europa”, but the place that has been recognised nationally for its efforts to preserve its culture, its landscape and its way of life.

The award also has practical implications. Tourists tend to flock to the area after the award is announced, attracted by the curiosity and charm that a title like this adds to the place. These types of visits boost the local economy, fill the bars and rural houses, and highlight local products such as the famous Cabrales cheese sold in its peculiar vending machine.


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