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Ludivine de Magnanville (already) leaves DéFI to join the MR

I decided to join the Reform Movement because for me it represents the best vehicle to ensure the realization of the projects that are close to my heart,” she explains.

Ludivine de Magnanville left the Horeca federation at the beginning of the year to get involved in politics. She was elected to the Brussels Parliament in June, as the fourth name on the DéFI list drawn by Bernard Clerfayt. She explained to us at the end of January the reasons why she had chosen DéFI. “I studied each value and what would make me not betray myself. The process was very simple. They gave me the cards and remained at my disposal if I had questions with little questioning, in return, about my commitment and my personality.”

► Review | Ludivine de Magnanville joins the DéFI party for the Brussels Region

Indeed, it is a big surprise for DéFI, which is losing a member of parliament after less than a year in the party.“After careful consideration, it became clear that the MR shares my vision for Brussels and that it is within this political family that I will be able to effectively carry the voice of those who have placed their trust in me. The MR offers a real platform for dialogue and action, where innovation and pragmatism serve the general interest,” she explains in a press release.

The MR is delighted

“We are very pleased to welcome Ludivine to the MR. Her expertise and commitment to Brussels are well established, and we share a common vision for the future of our capital. I am convinced that our collaboration will bear fruit for all Brussels residents, by pursuing the ambitious projects that we have in common.”for his part, congratulated the president of the MR, Georges-Louis Bouchez.

“Ludivine is a politician of great honesty, with valuable experience for Brussels. Her decision to join the MR is a recognition of our work and our desire to build a solid future for the region”continued David Leisterh, president of the Brussels MR federation.

Challenge a little less

“This departure cannot be motivated by the difficulty of being in the opposition, even though the Brussels government has not yet been formed! This is opportunism,” Sophie Rohonyi reacts for her part on X. “Elected thanks to the devolutionary effect of the head box, I ask Ludivine to return her mandate to DéFI”she finally asserts.

Editing – Photo: MR


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