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A gang of luxury home burglars in Ibiza who used sleeping gas to put their victims to sleep has been arrested

The gang entering one of the houses (Civil Guard)

The Civil Guard has arrested three people from a gang specializing in committing robberies in luxury homes inhabited on the island of Ibiza during the summer. They are accused at least 22 crimes with a total value of the stolen goods exceeding half a million euros.

The robbers entered the houses while the inhabitants slept, always dressed in black to hide their faces, and if they were caught during the robbery, they would flee the place on the run. Many of the victims reported the crime to the police. Civil Guard who noticed some dizziness upon waking up, in addition to general malaise such as vomiting and dizzinessso it is believed that the alleged perpetrators used some type of gas that caused drowsiness.

Through the investigation, the Judicial Police Team of Ibiza was able to locate the authors’ address thanks to the location of multiple vehicles which they used to commit the robberies, which had also been stolen previously.

This week a home was searched, finding inside multiple objects related to the reported robberies such as high-end watches, sunglasses, jewellery, handbags from well-known brands, mobile phones and cash. The officers also found the clothing they used to commit the robberies.

The three detainees escorted by the agents (Civil Guard)

The detainees are two men and a woman and two of them have been sent to prison by the judicial authority, for at least 22 crimes of robbery with force, robbery with violence and theft from inside homes. In total, it is estimated that the total value of the objects stolen by this gang amounts to around 548,500 euros. In addition, it is known that this criminal group has been present on the island of Ibiza since 2019.

This is not the first arrest that the agents have made in Ibiza in connection with home robberies. In July, the Civil Guard arrested two people on the island for committing fifty robberies over the last two years, with a total value estimated at two million euros. The agents managed to recover more than 20 luxury watches valued at 350,000 euros and numerous jewels, according to a statement from the Civil Guard. Europa Press.

The detainees, of Albanian origin, selected victims with high purchasing power who lived in the Balearic Islands. They usually chose them when they went out to luxury restaurants and exclusive beaches and even went as far as Mark your vehicles with GPS devices to identify the homes in which they lived. Later, while the victims slept, the thieves entered their homes and They mainly stole high-end jewelry and watches. which were then sent through third parties to the black market.

In this case, the Civil Guard investigation began approximately a year ago and allowed, thanks to the collaboration with Europol, to confirm that the detainees were being investigated for Police forces in France, Italy, Germany and Belgium for similar crimes.

The operation also found specialized tools for committing theftsthe GPS tracking devices and clothing they used to avoid being identified during the commission of the crimes. The investigation is still open and new arrests are not ruled out in the future, as well as the clarification of more crimes committed in other European countries.

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