EU, von der Leyen: “Yes to joint funding for some projects”
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EU, von der Leyen: “Yes to joint funding for some projects”

European Commission President Responds to Mario Draghi’s Call for Common Debt

September 9, 2024

Joint funding will be needed for some joint European projects. The task now is to define this common European project. We talked about defense, Draghi talked about cross-border energy networks. What we need to do is examine the political will to have these common European projects and then define whether we will finance them with new national contributions or with new own resources. The Commission’s proposal is on the Council’s table, so we can work on it, but we need to decide how to give the push”. This is what the President of the European Commission says, Ursula von der Leyenin the press conference to present the Report on the Future of European Competitiveness, answering a question on Mario Draghi’s request for a common debt.

“I want to be very clear. First of all, we need to define common prioritiesand be clear that this is a common European priority and therefore it has to be financed with common European money. And there are two ways to do that, national contributions or new own resources”, he said. The entire budget, or most of the budget, is made up of national contributions, and own resources. So both ways are possible, and The new own resources are also a strong incentive for common European funding. And we have to consider both. And then there has to be the political will of the member states,” he added.

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