Marine Le Pen’s new intransigence

Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella at the Élysée Palace, as part of Emmanuel Macron’s consultations to appoint a new prime minister, in Paris, August 26, 2024. JULIEN MUGUET FOR “LE MONDE”

“It’s extremely clear.” For Marine Le Pen, there is no doubt: the National Rally’s (RN) line regarding the profile of the future prime minister is both readable and linear. Of an obscure clarity, then, since not everyone in the party is certain of having understood the line, or even of sharing it. No doubt because the leader of the extreme right, pointing her thumb down at the names of Bernard Cazeneuve, Thierry Beaudet or Xavier Bertrand, has displayed in recent days a firmness that contrasts with the wait-and-see attitude observed in the previous legislature.

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Since 2022, the RN has compared the immediate motions of censure of La France insoumise (LFI), against Elisabeth Borne then Gabriel Attal, as so many postures; likely to “blow up the institutions” or to tip France into a “regime crisis”. A motion of censure “announced even before the speech [de Gabriel Attal] discredits those who filed it”decided Le Pen in February.

After the legislative elections, the principle seemed unchanged, when Renaud Labaye, his right-hand man in the National Assembly, stressed, to the Mondethat no government, even one from the New Popular Front, would be censored a priori: the extreme right would wait to hear its general policy speech, listening to possible “consensus orientations”. Before being denied the next day by a tweet from Marine Le Pen: “The RN group will censor any government where LFI and environmentalists have ministerial responsibilities.”

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The political situation has changed, M. justifies Le Pen, and the new weight of the extreme right in the National Assembly, must correspond to a change of tone. “We are in a very different situation from the last two years. There was a relative majority. Today, there is none at all.”she explains to the Monde. And, since mid-July, the MP for Pas-de-Calais has broadened her demands, emboldened by the comfortable position in which Emmanuel Macron has, in fact, placed her. The red lines are shifting. To the “unsubmissive” and environmentalist ministers, she adds a prime minister from the left: this is what she reproaches Bernard Cazeneuve for. “We are fundamentally opposed to the directions he is taking.”says Le Pen. Several of his deputies nevertheless consider, off the record, that the former prime minister of François Hollande deserved his chance.

“Respect for all forces”

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