The popular TV quiz ‘Blokken’ celebrates its thirtieth anniversary on Thursday. For the occasion, Team Ochtend at Play Nostalgie called jury member Kris Soret, the man who can often be heard but never seen. “Yet I couldn’t be heard in the beginning.”
“That’s something that came about organically,” Kris Soret explains to Bart and Desna from Team Ochtend. “Ben asked me a question and I would shout it through the studio. The people in the studio could hear it, but the people at home couldn’t, so I was given a microphone, somewhat against my will. Something that became very enjoyable in the short term.” (Continue reading below the photo)
For some time now, Soret has not been the only voice heard as a jury member. “Due to a collision with another car, I was once an hour late for the recordings. As a result, the woman who normally sits next to me answered and that has remained the case. It was surprising and fun.”
READ ALSO: Why the jury voice in ‘Blokken’ suddenly sounds feminine on some days
After thirty years of experience, Soret Blocks and also the IQ-Quiz with Herman Van Molle the ideal quiz partner? “That’s a bit of an exaggeration. I know very little about sports and cafés in Flanders, unlike Ben,” he laughs.
READ ALSO. The man you’ve heard but never seen for 24 years: we spoke to the mysterious jury from ‘Blokken’