David Hallyday pays tribute to his father in the album ‘Requiem pour un fou’: ‘A testimony of love’

David Hallyday was the guest of 8/9 for his album Requiem for a Madmanin which he reinterprets several of his father’s songs, and some of his own that he has rearranged. Songs that he will also sing on stage in Belgium for an exceptional date in April 2025 at Forest National.

With titles like Blood for bloodthat he had written to him, I forgot to live or even TennesseeDavid Hallyday pays a magnificent tribute to Johnny in this project which will have gone through several phases.

Three years ago, this was an album that was supposed to be called Second souffle because I started to rework and re-record my own tracks which had aged a bit badly in terms of production” he says. “Then I wanted to do more of my titles, more of his titles, and I told myself that it was not bad to go into his universe too, to have my vision of his work mixed with mine, and to tell what we both started to tell on Blood for blood.

This work also allowed him to discover things about himself. “I thought I knew everything about myself but I didn’t. By singing his songs that I had never sung before, I discovered that I was much more influenced in my songwriting by him than I thought.“, confie David Hallyday. “By diving deep into this project and digging into its repertoire, I found some melodic foundations, unconscious things that I’m doing again.

It’s a family album. I made it first for my children, for those who have just arrived, those who will come later, a testimony of love. We were able to work together, we succeeded in this work, it’s important to mark that in me. And then also the love of the public, to go and share these emotions with them, that’s what I like.

An audience that will be able to find it, as well as the songs from the album, on the Forest National stage on April 13, 2025. A visual as well as musical spectacle: “The watchword is: it has to be theatrical, cinematic, so that people, as soon as they enter the room, are immediately immersed.“.


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