Governor Ekici’s Kandil Message – Kırklareli Alternative Newspaper

Governor Ekici’s Kandil Message – Kırklareli Alternative Newspaper

Governor Ekici noted the following in his published message; “We are in the peace and happiness of reaching the Mawlid Kandili, which heralds the arrival of our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who was sent as a mercy to the worlds. The fact that our Prophet, who was sent as a messenger of mercy to all humanity and who is the most auspicious of people, honored the earth is one of the most exceptional events in human history. Our Prophet, by preaching peace, brotherhood and good morals during the age of ignorance when humanity was experiencing great crises, spread and established universal concepts such as rights, law, justice, civilization, freedom and human rights in his society, and became a sun of virtue and a source of guidance spreading to all of humanity from the geography he was in. With his unique character and personality, he illuminated the path of humanity by addressing hearts and souls throughout his life.

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As human beings, while seeking solutions to our worldly and spiritual problems, it is certain that adopting all the values ​​that our Prophet possessed and applying his lifestyle to our own lives will be a cure for both our souls and our bodies. In this sense, Mawlid Kandili is an important opportunity to remember the life of our Prophet, his hadiths and messages, to think about our status as an ummah in detail, to properly comprehend the values ​​he offered to humanity and to be inspired by his sublime morality.

I congratulate all our citizens on the occasion of Mawlid Kandili, hoping that this night, which is a means for Muslims to attain beauty, amnesty and pardon, will be a means for our unity and solidarity, peace and order, and I pray to God that this night will be a means for goodness.

Editor: News Center


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