the behind the scenes psychodrama in Ligue 2 on voting day
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the behind the scenes psychodrama in Ligue 2 on voting day

It is at 11am, this Tuesday, September 10, that the presidents of Ligue 2 meet in college at the headquarters of the Professional Football League (LFP), a few hours before the elective general assembly. Two presidents, Pierre Ferracci (Paris FC) and Laurent Lairy (Laval), ask the college to position itself on the choice for the presidency, therefore either Vincent Labrune or Cyril Linette. An official vote, in order to make the position of Ligue 2 heard.

Pierre Ferracci then unfolds his arguments against keeping Vincent Labrune: his lack of strategic vision, the need to renegotiate with CVC or even a reform of governance. Labrune’s two close associates, Pierre-Antoine Capton (Caen) and Loïc Féry (Lorient), come to his defense. “Never has a president of the League been so favorable to Ligue 2”, says the president of the Merlus. “It must be remembered that originally the Ligue 2 clubs were supposed to receive zero euros from CVC. Finally, around ten clubs received up to 3 million”, specifies another supporter of Labrune.

Ferracci and Lairy insist on proceeding with this college vote. “Except that we are told repeatedly that we must be united, and now we are organizing a vote to expose our divisions. It makes no sense,” whispers a president. “Being united does not mean gagging certain ideas or visions. They must be able to express themselves,” replies a pro-Linette. The L2 presidents end up accepting this secret ballot. Bernard Joannin (Amiens) and Pierre-Olivier Murat (Rodez), the two future representatives of L2 on the board of directors, then allegedly warned that they would follow the will of Ligue 2 on condition that a clear majority emerges. The opposition denies that this condition was set.

Bernard Joannin: “The blank vote in the election, it’s me!”

The results give a slight advantage to Cyril Linette who collects 9 votes, against 7 for Vincent Labrune and 2 blank votes. Despite this majority, it is not considered sufficient in the eyes of the two representatives, who feel free to vote as they wish at the CA later in the day. Several pro-Linette presidents also support this position.

“The one who voted blank in the CA election was me,” Bernard Joannin announced today. “Originally, I wanted to renew my confidence in the Labrune-Rouger duo who have experience of the trials that football has been through. They also acknowledged mistakes and announced improvements to come. But given the lack of a majority in the college, I preferred to remain neutral.”

After the CA vote in favor of Labrune, the AGM ratified the election of the former president of OM with more than 85%. Faced with this result, the leaders of the college vote feel betrayed. “Of course it’s a betrayal,” says one of the voters for Linette. “We told them the day before at the restaurant (at Joannin and Murat) that we wanted the vote of the college (of Ligue 2) to be respected. We told them again at the college to make sure they would respect this. They said yes. But no, they only did what they wanted.”

A pro-Linette president: “I dare to hope that they will have the elegance to resign”

“We are waiting for the precise report from the Ligue 2 college in the coming days so that everyone can assume their choices and take responsibility,” grumbles a president who voted for Linette in college. According to him, the maintenance of the Murat-Joannin duo on the CA must be discussed. “I dare to hope that they will both have the elegance to present their resignation,” suggests another president. Some pro-Labrune are having trouble hearing the lessons they are being given. “You just have to do some maths,” indicates this L2 president who is comfortable with numbers. “With such a final score, it is obvious that presidents who voted for Linette in college in the morning voted for Labrune afterwards in the AGM. So, well…”

While no Ligue 2 president spoke on Tuesday after the election, telephone conversations multiplied on Wednesday to calm the atmosphere. The date of the next Ligue 2 college has not yet been set. “Let’s let the pressure of the election subside. Everything will return to normal,” hopes president Bernard Joannin. After this episode, even Laurent Lairy is calling for unity: “I know what I saw and heard but I don’t blame anyone. Let’s rally behind Vincent. Let’s work together to improve our football. It’s the only way to get professional football out of the rut,” he concludes.

- RMC Sport


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