Labrune declares war on the “scourge” of piracy after his re-election to the LFP
DayFR Euro

Labrune declares war on the “scourge” of piracy after his re-election to the LFP

Barely re-elected, Vincent Labrune will immediately get to work. Starting this Wednesday, the president of the Professional Football League must discuss with DAZN – which has just made a promotional offer on its subscription – in particular to address the issue of piracy. A “scourge” that the leader wants to quickly eradicate.

“We have planned a Ligue 1 college with all the clubs to see how we can accelerate the success of this platform. We can push hard for the fight against piracy, which is a scourge,” he recalled during a press conference on Tuesday after his re-election. “Only we can fight against this and we will do our utmost to make it a success. Starting tomorrow, we will tackle piracy fearlessly on all fronts: media, political, legal. Piracy is like stealing an old lady’s bag at a market.”

>> Reactions after the LFP elections live

Ligue 1 on DAZN, a project that must be “a success”

Vincent Labrune also acknowledged that the “result of the domestic TV call for tenders is very disappointing, far from our expectations”. “We have to learn from this. Despite a good strategy, we came up against a reality principle. There are two things that I experience as a fairly strong personal failure. First, the amount of our call for tenders for Ligue 1. Ligue 2, we had a good result. Ligue 1, I don’t take it well. It was an absolute ambition that we announced in September 2022: to prioritize a single broadcaster in order to lower the prices (of the subscription) to take into account the economic difficulties of the moment and so that all football fans can have a lower price for football. I am even more disappointed not to have managed to have a single broadcaster than the amount we obtained”, admitted the president of the LFP, who wants to do everything to ensure that “this project is a success.”

- RMC Sport


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