It is a document which seems to cause certain tensions within the Luxembourg Palace. The report of the information mission of the Senate Law Committee on the institutional development of Corsica was expected at the end of the year. But announced on December 4 and then on December 16, the presentation of its conclusions was postponed twice at the last minute. Established in May 2024, after the constitutional documents resulting from the Beauvau process had been made public, this transpartisan information mission aimed to hear all the parties and take stock of the requests for statutory developments. “ to determine the ways and means of better adaptation of the institutional regime of Corsica to the particularities of this territory “. In this vein, she records months of work and the hearings of nearly 85 people, including the President of the Executive, Gilles Simeoni, and the former prefect of Corsica, Amaury de Saint-Quentin, as well as a trip to Corsica at the beginning of the summer, under the leadership of the president of the law commission, François-Noël Buffet.
However, the conclusions that would emerge would not really be those that were expected. In a ten-page document entitled “ Corsica in the Republic, opening a new chapter » that our colleagues from RCFM were able to consult, the fact-finding mission would in fact propose « and strengthening of the current power to adapt standards in a limited number of matters and upon express legislative or regulatory authorization », far from the much-hoped-for autonomy project. Enough to raise many questions from the senator of Haute-Corse, Paulu-Santu Parigi. “ All groups in the Senate were present in this commission, as were the two senators from Corsica. We were by right in the fact-finding mission”would like to remind the nationalist elected official by pointing out: “ In September, with the change of government, François-Noël Buffet became a minister in the Barnier Government, and Muriel Jourda took the reins of the law committee, while Lauriane Josende was appointed rapporteur for the information committee. From then on things took a different turn. ».
According to Senator Parigi, the planned hearings of the president of the Assembly of Corsica, Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis, and the president of the legislative powers committee of the Assembly of Corsica, Romain Colonna, would thus have been abandoned. “For my part, I was no longer summoned to this fact-finding mission and I was not able to hear the last interviewee who was Laurent Marcangeli “, he further argues, noting that if a computer error was put forward as justification, he considers to have been ” excluded from the end of the fact-finding mission. “We also had to put pressure on Gérald Darmanin, who led the Beauvau process for two years, to be heard “, he adds again, deploring: “ And from the moment we considered that the hearings were over, the rapporteur began to write the report on her own, which is quite strange since the fact-finding mission was transpartisan. ».
Other ” quack » mentioned by Paulu-Santu Parigi, the document resulting from this work, ” which should not have been disclosed » subsequently began to circulate. “ The majority of the commissioners of this fact-finding mission opposed the form and substance of this document, which caused the postponement of the presentation. Some time later, this report was put back in the pipeline and this time we asked that it be postponed and revised in its wording, otherwise there would be a vote against it from the law committee. The report was then removed from the Law Committee's agenda for the second time », he reveals.
For the senator from Haute-Corse, this report does not in fact reflect “ in no way the democratic will of the Corsicans for 10 years now” and does not take into account the rises of “85 people interviewed, most of whom adhered to the wording that emerged during the Beauvau process and the constitutional writings ». « The hegemony of the Les Républicains group in the Senate went beyond everyone's vision of things and wanted to impose its vision of Corsica for tomorrow. he believes. Contacted by our editorial staff, the senator of Corsica-du-Sud, Jean-Jacques Panunzi, member of the LR group, could not be reached this Monday. The presentation of the conclusions of the fact-finding mission appears to have been postponed sine die. “On the agenda of the Law Committee, it is not on the agenda until at least February 13 », notes Senator Parigi.
Last fall, Catherine Vautrin, then minister for partnership with the territories and decentralization, in charge of the Corsican file, announced that she wanted a draft constitutional law relating to Corsica to be discussed before Parliament before end of 2025. For this, however, a text will first have to be voted on in identical terms before both chambers.
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