While OpenAI recently announced the upcoming launch of its first autonomous AI agent, reports suggest that the company is working on AI super-agents with PhD-level skills. She plans a closed-door meeting with U.S. government officials about their launch at the end of the month. The arrival of these tools on the job market, already weakened by AI, could cause additional upheaval.
Autonomous AI agents are a new kind of tools that can perform a number of complex tasks with minimal human supervision. Like real virtual employees, they can make decisions, adapt to requests and situations and respond accordingly. For example, they could write complete computer programs and test them, organize trips from planning to the various necessary reservations, make business decisions and perform various related actions, etc.
Microsoft and OpenAI are currently the first to announce the development of such tools. Some of Microsoft’s AI agents are already being tested with major companies, including McKinsey. The latter uses them for example for planning meetings and managing customer requests. OpenAI, meanwhile, plans to launch its first agent before the end of this month. Altman says these tools could enter the job market as early as this year.
According to Axios, OpenAI will announce (perhaps in the coming weeks) an even bigger breakthrough. According to sources close to the company, these are AI super-agents with doctoral-level skills and can perform even more complex tasks. The main players in the development of the technology have also exceeded their objectives.
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