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Under fire from criticism, Valérie Glatigny (MR) reconsiders her measures: “I am open to postponing reforms that are too heavy”

For the minister, behind the concerns regarding the qualifying reform (removal of small options and duplicates, end of 7th grade) lies the anticipation of the common core until secondary 3 in 2028 which raises fears of loss of hourly costs . “This will be the subject of discussions in the coming days. The measures taken as part of the 2025 budget were adopted last December and are based on the Pact which was decided in 2017. We will take all necessary measures to avoid disruptions in training. I am open to requests to postpone certain reforms because they would be too impactful in terms of administrative burdens”says the liberal.

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As for the dismissal of adult students who have dropped out of school for more than a year from the 3rd and 4th secondary schools, Valérie Glatigny recalls that this was validated by the actors in the Pact. “As long as they are adults, we believe that there is nothing shocking in sending them to adult education because it is precisely its core business to connect young adults to the CESS or to training that will enable them to integrate socio-professionally”she defends. “I have a hard time seeing this devaluation of adult education. There are some nuggets there to really help a young adult rediscover a love of learning.”

As for the CDIe instead of appointment, it will include a second pension pillar, with flexible working hours at the start and end of the career.


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