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Laurent, 2 and a half years old, is already selling his paintings for up to 7,000 euros

A little genius painter of German origin, named Laurent Schwarz, has become a real phenomenon on social networks to such an extent that collectors are snapping up his paintings.

In April 2024, works by the 2-year-old were exhibited at Munich’s largest art fair, Art Muc, and sold to buyers around the world, according to the New York Post.

Almost all of little Laurent’s creations have been sold. Some reached almost 7,000 dollars or almost 6,500 euros.

The money earned from the sale of the paintings remains in a bank account to which the little boy will not have access until he is 18.

The very young artist likes “bright colors”. His mother, Lisa, a fan of her little boy’s work, created an Instagram account where she shares the painting sessions of her budding artist. The account has generated real enthusiasm and now has 30,000 followers.

“It’s up to him to decide when and what he paints,” comments his mother. “Sometimes he doesn’t feel like painting and doesn’t set foot in his studio for three or four weeks, but suddenly he’s took it and said: ‘Mom, I paint’.”

“They’re abstractions and what’s unusual is that he incorporates discernible figures, which is what people often mention to us and what makes them so popular,” his proud mother told the New York Post .[email protected]

World News, Unusual


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