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Final straight line for the “6×6 Women’s Looks” photo trail

6×6 Regards de femmes, the Haut-Lignon photo festival will be officially launched in Chambon-sur-Lignon on Friday June 28 at 7 p.m. at 24 rue Neuve in Chambon-sur-Lignon.

The 6×6 route of the Photography Festival makes each village the place of exhibition and therefore of discovery of an artist. It thus offers a beautiful diversity of places and experiences.

In a natural, picturesque setting or in a gallery

In Saint-Jeures, Mazet-Saint-Voy and Mas-de-Tence, the exhibitions are set up outdoors. They allow visitors to appreciate the photographs at any time, in a natural and picturesque setting. In Tence, the tour unfolds in the exhibition space of the bookstore La Boîte à Soleils, while in Chenereilles, the old town hall serves as a backdrop. Finally, in Chambon-sur-Lignon, it is in the gallery space at 24 rue Neuve that the works come to life. This variety of exhibition spaces creates a unique artistic walk, mixing local heritage and photographic art.

140 photos, 13 partners

If we had to summarize the preparation of this intercommunal event in a few figures, here are a few: 140 photos, 9 months of preparation, 13 artist and logistics partners, 2000 kilometers of travel for transporting the works, 6 days of assembly, hanging with the technical teams of the 6 communes of Haut-Lignon.

The opening is open to all on Friday at 7 p.m. at Chambon-sur-Lignon, in the presence of photographers Dolorès Marat, Françoise Fournier and Cha Caillat, as well as Chantal Vey. The opportunity to take the time to chat with them over a drink.

Around fifteen meetings

A brand new website allows you to find information on the 6 artists that the community of communes of Haut-Lignon has chosen to exhibit (, where it is also possible to find the fifteen meetings scheduled throughout the summer: cinema cycle, writing workshops, guided tours, conferences…

Saturday at the Mazet botanical garden

The first of these meetings is on Saturday at 6 p.m. at the botanical garden for a visit to the exhibition Jenny de Vasson, pioneer of photography (weather permitting), followed at 8:30 p.m. by the conference by Gilles Wolkowitsch at the Calibert on the life and pioneering work of this French aristocrat.

Off-line nuggets too

Off-site exhibitions are also offered. A short series “L’été” by Chantal Vey is installed in the park of the contemporary art space Les Roches, it will be inaugurated on Sunday June 30 at 12 p.m. in the presence of the artist.

Entrance to exhibitions and all meetings and appointments are free.


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