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Did Sylvie Tellier lie? Someone close to Geneviève de Fontenay says: “I was shocked…”

While Sylvie Tellier has just published her new book, a former close friend of Geneviève de Fontenay said he was “shocked” by the comments she made. He even claimed that the former director of the Miss France company had lied…

Will the war between Sylvie Tellier and Geneviève de Fontenay continue even after the death of the latter? The man who was her close collaborator, Hubert Guérin, virulently criticized the former director of the Miss France company in France Sunday and even claimed that she would have lied…

Sylvie Tellier would have lied: someone close to Geneviève de Fontenay, “shocked”

Geneviève de Fontenay had appointed Hubert Guérin as her press secretary decades ago. Since then, they had maintained a special bond. He knows everything about the lady in the hat. It is therefore with certainty that he affirmed to France Sunday that Sylvie Tellier had lied in her new book, Crown and prejudice.

I was shocked to see that she had made a mistake about the name of Geneviève’s eldest son, whom she named Frédéric and not Ludovic.“, he was first indignant before declaring: “And daring to call Xavier ‘the millionaire’ is not very respectful when she owes everything to the Fontenays“. Above all, according to Hubert Guérin, Miss France 2002 would have given erroneous information about the funeral of the lady in the hat, even though she had not attended it.

Sylvie Tellier notably “claimed there were no flowers on the grave“by Geneviève de Fontenay, which is far from accurate according to her close collaborator.”She also claims that there was no drinking after the cemetery, which is false. Let her check her sources!“, he was offended.

Geneviève de Fontenay: her “tenacious resentment” towards Sylvie Tellier

Moreover, the former director of the Miss France company, who left her position in 2022 to be succeeded by Cindy Fabre, was “omnipresent in all conversations“between Geneviève de Fontenay and Hubert Guérin. The grandmother of Agathe and Adèle, 22 and 26 years old, was angry at Sylvie Tellier for having “transformed her baby, her little committee‘”, when she succeeded him as patron of Miss France. And this “bitterness“was so”tenacious“that she never left her side, until her last day…


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