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Death of Françoise Hardy: the place of her final resting place made official, here is where her ashes will rest

Françoise Hardy died on Tuesday June 11. Nine days after the disappearance of the 80-year-old woman, her loved ones were able to say goodbye to her. Indeed, his funeral took place on Thursday June 20 at Père-Lachaise crematoriumin the 20th arrondissement of Paris.

Around 3 p.m., Jacques Dutronc and his son Thomas Dutronc arrived, supported by many personalities. The last wishes of Françoise Hardy were then respected since she was “cremated in privacy and without religious ceremony”. A moving moment as a crowd gathered outside the crematorium.

Françoise Hardy will rest in Corsica

The day after the funeral of Françoise Hardy, the place of
his final resting place was finally made official. Indeed, according to information from Paris Matchthe interpreter of All the boys and girls will rest on the Isle of Beauty. Monticello Cemeteryin Haute-Corse, will thus welcome his ashes.

At the beginning of July, a final ceremony will take place in Corsica. At the end of this, the urn containing
the ashes of Françoise Hardy will be placed in a concession “in front of the sea”, purchased by Jacques Dutronc. She will thus join another personality. The former Prime Minister, Michel Rocard also rests in the cemetery located on the heights of the village.

The singer had acquired a house in Monticello

Since the death of Françoise Hardy, doubt remained as to the place which would receive his ashes. In fact, the Monticello town hall had indicated to AFP that no “request for burial of ashes in the cemetery had not been made at the beginning of the week”. The singer’s ashes could therefore have been scattered outside or placed on a grave located on private property.

If the village of Monticello was chosen by the artist, it is not by chance. In 1966, Françoise Hardy actually bought land there to build a house with Jacques Dutronc. 15 years later, the couple had also married in the town. Since then, the singer has lived there year-round. He also returned to Corsica the day after the funeral.


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