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Robert Koch Gallery : Ljubodrag Andric : India

The Robert Koch Gallery presents an exhibition of the series India of Ljubodrag Andric, showcasing the artist’s current oeuvre of minimalist, texturally amplified photographic architectural abstractions. Andric’s masterful sense of place and light breathes life into precise works in their reductive compositional dialect and richness of detail. By providing universally recognizable entry points to the work, such as walls, steps, windows and other facades, and by reducing the image to its pure essence, Andric invites the viewer to interpret the work at a deeply personal and meditative level.

As curator and writer Marta Braun poignantly puts it: “Located firmly between photography and painting, Ljubodrag Andric’s images are neither. Both recognizable as representations and colorful abstractions, they are contemporary and uniquely brilliant expressions of the future of lens-based art. Their genesis lies in a camera, a purely mechanical device: at the press of a button, a shutter opens and closes allowing light to pass through a lens to trigger the reaction of a photocell… The results are however forget their mechanistic foundations. Created like images on a screen, they have been enlarged to the scale of the walls on which they hang, their scale overwhelming us with pools of shimmering colors which transcend the purely automatic in favor of a harmonious formal organization of light, pigments. and texture.

For more than thirty years, Ljubodrag Andric’s work has sought to recontextualize the urban landscape. Born in Belgrade in 1965 into a family of artists – his mother an actress, his father a writer and his brother a painter – Andric began focusing on photography at the age of sixteen. In 1988, while studying literature in Belgrade, Andric organized his first exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art in Belgrade, addressing the relationship between space and architecture, the central theme of his visual exploration.

In 2002, Andric moved to Toronto, where he currently lives and works. In 2005, renationalized Canadian. Ljubodrag Andric’s work has been exhibited at Chaumont-Photo-sur-Loire, France (2023-2024); at the Museum of Fine Arts in Le Locle, Switzerland (2017); the Fondazione Querini Stampalia in Venice (2016); and the Milan Triennale (2016), among others. In 2016, Skira published Ljubodrag Andric: Works 2008-2016.

Ljubodrag Andric : India
May 31 – August 3, 2024
Robert Koch Gallery
49 Geary Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
T: 415.421.0122


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