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Cyril Hanouna ensures that the “express” handover with Sophie Davant went smoothly

Was Sophie Davant unceremoniously ousted from Europe 1 to make way for Cyril Hanouna? No, replies the host-producer of Do not touch My TV.

For several days, a screenshot has been circulating on social networks. We can read an exchange of messages affirming that the presenter of Sophie and friends brutally learned that she would no longer occupy the 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. slot of the radio station. A decision which would have been taken by Vincent Bolloré, main shareholder, in order to campaign for the National Rally through Cyril Hanouna on the air.

The kiss of luck

“A young girl tells false information. She says she’s seen messages circulating, but it’s unbearable! I spoke to Sophie Davant on Friday evening on the phone. She just asked me: “Can I come on Monday?” I said to her: “With pleasure Sophie, you will come and say goodbye to the listeners!” », Reacted Cyril Hanouna to Jean-Marc Morandini on CNews.

This is indeed what happened yesterday. Sophie Davant was able to give her listeners a “meeting at the start of the school year” and hand over the baton to Cyril Hanouna, whose show on C8 took its summer vacation. The latter even asked him for “a kiss” to “bring him luck” for the next two weeks while he now hosts, until the first round of the early legislative elections on June 30, We fell on our heads. A kiss that Sophie Davant gave him, effectively wishing him “good luck” for this legislative campaign which “risks being eventful”.

The “TPFM” band

During his first broadcast yesterday on Europe 1, Cyril Hanouna received the mayor of Béziers, former support of Marine Le Pen, Robert Ménard; the former Prime Minister and unsuccessful candidate for mayor of Barcelona who denounces the union of the left Manuel Valls; National Rally MEP and former police officer Matthieu Vallet; and the president of the far-right Reconquest! party, Éric Zemmour. Around him, the host-producer had gathered his faithful chroniclers of Do not touch My TV Éric Naulleau, Valérie Bénaïm, Raymond Aabou, Géraldine Maillet and his CNews colleagues Pascal Praud and Gauthier Le Bret.


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