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Adeline Halot: from Brussels to New York, a sculptor who seduces the world

There are artists who experience dazzling careers. This is the case of this 32-year-old Brussels resident who, in four years, has achieved the feat of weaving a personal universe whose echo is already reverberating in the four corners of the planet. “I always wanted to create volumes and connect materials and space,” she confides in a still youthful voice. As recently as 2016, she was at school, studying interior architecture then textile design at La Cambre. Coming from a family of freelancers, she always wanted to work for herself. “It’s fantastic to be the sole master on board. Every day, I go to my workshop in Zaventem, where we are around thirty artists and designers from all walks of life. Everyone has their place. Not only is it motivating, but it has contributed a lot to my artistic development. And then, I am the youngest of the group: the oldest of us is 85 years old!”

Adeline Halot: “Metal is reflective, which allows us to obtain very lively works which, depending on the environment, evolve according to natural or artificial light. » ©DR

In 2020, after working in the production of textiles, from blinds to furniture panels, Adeline Halot decided to devote herself 100% to her passion. “At the beginning, I started with orders by yardage for interior designers who came to choose from my samples. Then, gradually, I was able to express myself more freely using linen threads and my favorite metals, stainless steel and copper, sometimes adding concrete.

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In her privileged relationship with woven material, the young woman creates unique sculptures, worked by hand, always with the same objective: to shape the material in order to freeze it in time and space. In combination with metal, linen offers a chromatic range which she takes advantage of to create volumetric tapestries as well as sculptures, sometimes wall-mounted, sometimes aerial. “The metal is reflective, which makes it possible to obtain very lively works which, depending on the environment, will evolve according to natural or artificial light. During the day, the reflections are more peaceful while in the evening, the sculpture comes alive and becomes more dynamic. It’s something that I really like.”

Adeline Halot: “Metal is reflective, which allows us to obtain very lively works which, depending on the environment, evolve according to natural or artificial light. » ©DR

By her own admission, Adeline is a woman who is both energetic and discreet, a temperament which is coupled with a generous character in her contacts with others. “I like meeting people and getting around. This is what allowed me to move forward in such a short time. In four years, my journey has been rather rapid. Ultimately, his sculptures resemble him: they can shine but also find pleasure in being more discreet, depending on the mood or the time of day. Let us also not lose sight of the fact that his artistic inspiration owes a lot to nature: plants, minerals, but above all water. “I photograph quite a few things during my walks. I have a whole library of personal images that I use to use in my creations.”

Today, Adeline Halot travels between art and design galleries, but also likes to come into direct contact with collectors. She also does not hesitate to take her pilgrim’s staff and travel. Next November, we will find her in New York, in a gallery near the Guggenheim Museum. Closer to home, she is currently putting the finishing touches to a hanging sculpture which will soon be installed in the Kultuur Bakery in Ghent. She also has a unique project for a yacht as well as another, more monumental one, for Florida by 2025.


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