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A sculpture representing three sailors installed in the Bas de Siam in Brest


Julien Saliou

Published on

June 14, 2024 at 4:08 p.m.

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A sculpture has just been installed on the square overlooking Penfeld, at the bottom of rue de Siam in Brest. We see three sailors, “a state sailor, a boater and a fisherman”, explains Daniel, former Quartermaster of the Navy, at the origin of this creation. He had proposed the project “The low sailors of Siam” during the 3e participatory budget season for the City of Brest.

Closer to sailors

The work of art was inaugurated on Friday June 14 in the presence of artist Caroline Mesquita, a native of Brest.

Daniel wanted to return tribute to the many sailors who passed through Brest. “And I am very proud of the result,” simply reacted the retiree, already at the origin of the project of fountains and water points in the city center.

As for the artist, who graduated from the Paris School of Fine Arts in 2013, and whose work has notably been presented at the Palais de Tokyo and the Pompidou Center, she did not hesitate to respond to the call for City project.

Caroline Mesquita created the artwork. She is originally from Brest. ©Julien Saliou

“Symbolically, being able to create something for my city is an honor. I work with metal, often on a human scale. Most of the time without a base, therefore without distancing,” Caroline Mesquita, 35, tells us.

Here, the public will be able to get up close and personal with the three sailors, made of brass. The three figures stand arm in arm. “I wanted creations in movement. »

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There is no doubt that many passers-by will come and take photos of them. By taking a look at the other side of the Penfeld, they will be able to see other sculptures, those of Fanny de Laninon and Jean QuéméneurRecovery side.

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