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why Béziers uses one of the most famous American paintings to advertise in Paris

With its new communication campaign posted in Paris for two weeks, the city of Béziers hopes to attract tourists this summer. The “offbeat” visual is assumed by Mayor Robert Béziers. He uses an American painting which apparently has no link with Béziers. Decryption.

When you have never visited Béziers“, written in capitals on the painting of a man and a woman with closed faces. A poster plastered on more than 200 billboards in the city of Paris since June 6, which is enough to challenge passers-by. “It’s an offbeat visual, with a tone that resembles us: a little distanced” argues Robert Ménard, the mayor of Béziers. Why not choose a pretty shot of the Béziers landscape to highlight the city? “There are lots of beautiful photos of all the cities in the world, we took a gamble by offering something different“, develops the city councilor.

For this two-week communication campaign, the town hall spent 15,000 euros. The objective is to attract tourists to this “southern city where life is good” indicates the mayor. He is thinking in particular of the spectators of the Olympic Games, of whom there will be several million in Paris this summer.

The chosen poster represents a famous painting from the 1930s, “American Gothic” by painter Grant Wood. A painting “iconic” in the eyes of the mayor, who hopes to play on the effect of surprise when reading the poster. Questioned, a communications specialist deciphers this image: “At first glance, we mainly see two people who seem to be sullen, it’s a forbidding visual”analyzes Karine Berthelot-Guiet, professor of information and communication sciences at Celsa-Sorbonne University. After the image, comes the reading of the slogan, which provides the decoding of the visual: “The image illustrates the state of mind of people who would not have had the chance to visit the city: a certain sadness.”

A counterpoint, used in pop culture, which aims to challenge. But this bet does not convince the specialist: “It’s a divisive image. She points her finger at people and says “you are not one of the chosen ones”.“For Karine Berthelot-Guiet, the choice of painting is not trivial:”It depicts two Protestant farmers, it depicts a certain American puritanism, and by extension, it can be demeaning to people who would have a sober lifestyle.“Through this means, the work of art”loses its aura“, she is frankly”diverted“from its original meaning.”It’s a strange choice, which could be problematic.” in the eyes of the teacher. She adds : “A big brand wouldn’t have dared.“The specialist is not sure that passers-by understand the message.

On social networks in any case, the advertising campaign is making people talk. Under the Facebook post, several dozen comments. Residents are delighted to see the name of their city displayed in the capital. But the chosen poster divides.

Given the faces, you avoid Béziers.

Yvan, Facebook user

Some people don’t like it: “Fmaking people from Béziers look like beggars, that’s sure to catch the eye.” comments Marie-Clémentine, “Seen faces, you avoid Béziers“, adds Yvan. The oldest city in France, the birthplace of Jean Moulin, the world capital of wine, with the most famous mayor in France, certainly had better to show to seduce, than these uninspiring representations“, Patrick is surprised.

Others are convinced: “Very good advertising campaign which tries to raise the level“, rejoices Christine, joined by Moony: “I love this ad! It stands out and provokes thought, and for those who know it, it brings a smile.“One certainty remains: the town hall of Béziers has not finished making people talk about its city.


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