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Photographer Muriel Bordier depicts Fougerais around the Olympic Games


Editorial Fougères

Published on

June 2, 2024 at 7:43 a.m.

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Invited by the Galerie Albert Bourgeois for an artist residency around the Olympic Games, the photographer Muriel Bordier unveiled the fruit of his work, exhibited outdoors on the Chaussonnières esplanade, in Fougères.

For Babel, the Rennaise met ten Fougeraise associations and numerous residents for an unusual project.

250 models

Nearly 250 models, sports or not, posed for her, in her temporary studio installed at the Urbanistes last November.

After taking her photos, the artist let herself be guided by her inspiration to create eleven photographic montages, including one dedicated to the Olympic flame.

“I would like to thank all the actors who agreed to pose “blindly” without knowing what the result would be. It was a real show of confidence,” she said at the inauguration of the exhibition.

Each panel highlights a Fougeraise association (here the Twirling) ©Anne Charozé

Athletics, badminton, fencing, golf, artistic gymnastics, horse riding, weightlifting, table tennis, twirling and water polo are represented in these humorous and poetic scenes.

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Called Babel, in reference to “a pharaonic project supposed to elevate us all but which on the contrary created communication problems”, the exhibition illustrates the problems of understanding between the different people who participate in the organization of the Games.

Diverted situations

The works are full of winks, characters and diverted situations that the spectator can enjoy contemplating for a long time to grasp all the details.

This project fits perfectly with the Terre de jeux 2024 label, obtained by the city of Fougères, whose objective is to share games throughout France. This exhibition brings together sport and culture.

Christophe Hardy, sports assistant.

Alongside the exhibition, the media library is offering until June 29 a photo report produced by the Fougères Déclic Photo association behind the scenes of the photographer’s work (all public, free access).

Babel photographic exhibition, produced by Muriel Bordier. Esplanade des Chaussonnières. Visible until September 22.

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