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“What is your job actually?”

In France, since the 1960s, women’s rights have seen several major advances. Deprived of the right to vote until 1944, in a few years they gained access to contraception, abortion, but also financial autonomy. Laws can change society. But mentalities change much more difficult. Andrea Bescondin addition to her career as an actress, director, dancer and author, regularly reminds us of this.

On Instagram, she highlights failings of justice. The almost daily dramas which take place amid general indifference. Incest, abuse, domestic violence, rape or feminicide… Andréa Bescond reports everything on her famous black posts. In general, she takes the opportunity to question the public authorities about the fate of the victims. And this Saturday, June 1, the artist decided to speak directly to Aurore Bergé, minister responsible for gender equality.

Andréa Bescond draws up a painful assessment

We have barely reached the halfway point of 2024. And yet, there are already tens of women who have fallen victim to the attacks of their partners. A scourge that affects all regions and all levels of society. But what Andréa Bescond also denounces is the silence of the authorities. Even though the government claims to be acting to protect women. that’s why she targeted Aurore Bergé, In his last black post.

“You are Aurore Bergé. You are Minister for Gender Equality. In one week, 5 women were killed by their spouse or ex-spouse. A woman on May 31, killed by firearms in front of her three children. Two women on May 28, one killed by gunfire, and the second hit by a car. Two women on May 27, killed by firearms. Killed by men who grant themselves the right of life or death over these women, most of them mothers. And we can’t hear you. »

Indeed, if the minister cannot resolve the problem with a snap of her fingers, she has, according to Andréa Bescond, a big role to play. That of speaking out for victims and alerting public opinion. And also, to deploy concrete measures to stem this deadly phenomenon.

“You do not speak out to denounce this male terrorism which is increasingly rampant. We would like to hear from you, we would like to see you inform the French of the situation. We would like to see you put pressure on your government to take this scourge in hand. What is your job actually? Don’t forget that it is our contributions that finance your salary. Being on the front lines, fighting male terrorism is the mission you owe us. »

Very upset, the dancer also drew parallels with other countries. According to Andréa Bescond, the treatment of feminicides in France is not exemplary.

“Where are you Aurore Bergé? If feminists don’t do research on femicide to inform French people, no one knows about it. In Spain, each femicide is the subject of a news story. To know is to act, it is to fight. Silence kills. Thank you and Big up to the @feminicidespar and @noustoutesorg accounts. We research, we get involved, we write, and we do it voluntarily. You are paid to do this job, and you have a whole team at your service, so do it. », Adds the activist in the caption of her Instagram publication, this June 1, 2024.


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