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this “dissociated” diet which allowed her to lose 10 kilos during menopause

At 57, Mathilde Seigner has just broken a taboo by talking about her experience with menopause in an interview. The opportunity for the actress to explain how she managed to lose 10 kilos with a new diet method.

Did you know ? Hormones can play a big role in sudden, uncontrollable weight gain. Indeed, if hormones can have an influence on morale or on the quality of the skin, they can also cause feelings of hunger and therefore cravings… which then causes weight gain.

And hormones are often associated with women’s menstrual cycles, However, they continue to play a role during menopause. This taboo subject has just been mentioned by Mathilde Seigner. The 57-year-old actress has revealed how she managed to lose 10 kilos during menopause.

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Menopause: cause and symptoms

As a reminder, menopause is a natural stage in a woman’s life, which marks the end of her menstrual cycles and reproductive capacity. It is mainly due to a natural decrease in the production of reproductive hormones (estrogen and progesterone) by the ovaries. The ovaries gradually stop releasing eggs, causing menstrual cycles to stop. Menopause is confirmed after 12 consecutive months without menstruation and generally occurs in women between 45 and 55 years old, with an average age around 51 years old.

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Regarding menopause, symptoms vary from woman to womanbut often include hot flashes, night sweating that may be excessive to the point of disrupting sleep, mood changes, trouble sleeping or insomnia, irritability, depression or anxiety. anxiety, decreased libido, memory problems and finally weight gain.

Mathilde Seigner: her diet to lose weight during menopause

In the columns of the magazine France Sunday published this Friday, May 31, 2024, Mathilde Seigner spoke about what she experienced during her menopause. The 57-year-old actress explains that she gained weight but managed to lose it all thanks to a miraculous diet called “dissociated diet.

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“My relationship with food is healthy. When I entered menopause I had gained around ten kilos, lost thanks to an extraordinary woman, Doctor Kahina Oussedik, at the head of the AminciKA center. She taught me how to dissociating foods is a diet that suits me, but it is not necessarily valid for everyone.” she declared.

Dissociated diet: definition

The dissociated diet is a type of diet that is based on the principle of not combining certain food groups during the same meal. The main idea is that the body digests proteins, carbohydrates and fats differently, and that consuming them separately can improve digestion, promote weight loss and improve overall health.

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It is therefore appropriate to separate food groups namely proteins (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products), carbohydrates (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes), lipids (oils, butter, avocado, nuts), fruits which should be eaten alone, outside of the main meals and finally vegetables which can be combined with proteins or carbohydrates, but not with both together.

Things to know before wanting to embark on a dissociated diet

These different food groups must then be consumed at distinct times of the day to avoid undesirable combinations. For example, a meal high in protein may be followed by a meal high in carbohydrates several hours later. If this diet, which allowed Mathilde Seigner to lose a lot of weight, is effective for some, However, it is not suitable for everyone.

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“If dissociated diets have a bad press, it is not a coincidence. This type of diet allows rapid weight loss, especially in the first days. Weight loss is not just mass loss fat but also lean (muscle) mass due to the fact that these diets are very unbalanced, we therefore observe sarcopenia – significant reduction in muscle mass and strength.” explained Dr. Gruman in the columns of the magazine Magic Mom.


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