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their daughter Elsa, an artist like them, looks a lot like her mother


Glucksmann calls on “all sincere democrats” to defeat Macron

Raphaël Glucksmann, who is hot on the heels of presidential majority candidate Valérie Hayer in voting intentions for the European elections, called on Thursday to strengthen “the emergence of a new political space” on the left during a major meeting Thursday evening in Paris , while Prime Minister Gabriel Attal has made it his target to stop a potential crossing of curves. In front of 4,000 people gathered at the Zénith in Paris, – “one of the most beautiful meetings in a very long time”, according to the secretary general of the PS Pierre Jouvet -, the head of the PS-Place publique list launched an appeal to all “sincere democrats”: “If you wish to strengthen the emergence of a powerful political pole which can oppose the extreme right and the right liberal, join us.” He also asked the activists to “give everything, to be the great and beautiful surprise of this election”, and then promised to create “something profoundly new”. “I will be there with you to build this space.” Raphaël Glucksmann, credited with around 14% of voting intentions for this June 9 election, still has ten days to try to get ahead of Valérie Hayer. The Macronist candidate, whose list is in difficulty in the polls, at 15-16%, is clearly behind that of the RN candidate Jordan Bardella, given at 34% in two last surveys. The 44-year-old essayist, however, refuses to game of predictions, aware of the feeling of disappointment if the crossing of the curves did not take place on June 9. “The crossing, we see it taking shape but we do not bet on it”, suggests a member of his campaign. But everything the world hopes so. “We are the only vote that can beat Macron when you are on the left,” insists Pierre Jouvet. – Momentum of the left -But “the voters to be won will mainly be among the abstainers”, analyzes a socialist candidate. In the meantime, Raphaël Glucksmann continued to attack the far right, his main hobbyhorse. He notably invited Mathias Ecke, a German social-democrat MEP who was violently attacked in early May by four people linked to the extreme right in Dresden, in the former GDR. “This strategy of brutalization aims to silence us, but they will not succeed, they will not reduce us to silence”, promised the parliamentarian who suffered from a broken cheekbone. “All of Europe is attentive to what is happening in France, this momentum of the left”, greeted for his part, Luxembourg European Commissioner Nicolas Schmit. Aware of the precarious situation of his candidate Valérie Hayer, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal launched the charge against Raphaël Glucksmann on Thursday morning. On RTL he judged that voting for the socialist list is “obviously” voting for Nupes, the left-wing alliance concluded with France Insoumise in 2022 and which broke up in the fall.”When France Insoumise Whistles , the Nupes runs”, criticized Gabriel Attal, accusing the socialist deputies of having “risen as one man to support” their LFI colleague Sébastien Delogu when he waved a Palestinian flag on Tuesday in the hemicycle of the National Assembly . Summoned by Emmanuel Macron to get more involved in the campaign, the Prime Minister has already participated in several meetings with Valérie Hayer and faced Jordan Bardella in a televised debate, even if the contest had no impact on the intentions of vote.Despite the prospects of failure, there is no question for the majority of deciding on after June 9, while several political scenarios are circulating between coalition with the right, reshuffle or dissolution. – “blocking capacity” -Emmanuel Macron said that “it was a European election with European consequences”, recalled Gabriel Attal, as if to rule out the hypothesis of his departure from Matignon. Gabriel Attal thus warned against the potential “blocking capacity” of the far right if it arrived in force at the European Parliament. The Prime Minister will still be present at his camp’s national meeting on Saturday in Aubervilliers (Seine-Saint-Denis). Raphaël Glucksmann will hold two other meetings, one on Saturday in Marseille in the company of mayor Benoit Payan, and the last in Lille on the 7th, where he will receive the support of the city’s mayor Martine Aubry, a figure of the left , after that of former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.are-caz/hr/cbn


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