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Jérémy Frérot separated from Laure Manaudou: “it’s a love letter”, the singer makes a moving declaration to him

In a relationship since 2015, Jérémy Frérot and Laure Manaudou had two children, Lou in 2017 and Sacha in 2021. Unfortunately, a few weeks ago, the singer announced his separation from the former swimming champion. And it was in song that he decided to confide in this breakup, with the song Farewell. “Dad, mom are going to become friends. That doesn’t mean it’s all over.” he sings.

Questioned on the airwaves of Europe 1, Jérémy Frérot returned to this separation. He notably admits to having asked permission from the mother of his children to release this music. “It’s normal, it still talks about us. People know that we were together, so they would have made the connection, and I needed to have her opinion too… She agreed with this song”he explained this Thursday, May 9 during his appearance in Culture Médias.

Jérémy Frérot very close to his former wife

For Jérémy Frérot, from now on, he forms “a team” with Laure Manaudou. “The song is almost word for word what I said to my children when, with Laure, we announced it to them. Dad and mom remain friends and we will remain a team. There was love that created you and there is love that raises youit’s different, but just as powerful”the singer explained.

For him, this song is “a love letter in the breakup”. “There is a love that created you, and now there is a love that will raise you. This is how we will move forward.”

A smooth breakup

Touched by this statement, Thomas Isle, the host indicates: “It feels good to hear a song about breaking up that is so bright and constructive”. And in fact, Jérémy Frérot is pleased to have been able to maintain a healthy relationship with his ex-partner.

“I experienced some of the breakups. With Fréro Delavega it was a breakup too. It always goes well”, he put it into perspective. A nice way to end your relationship. But his family is at the center of all his concerns.


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